The Burnsville Common Council met in regular session on September 9.Mayor, Paul Bragg called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm. In addition to the Mayor, the following city officials[Read More…]
Town Meeting
Commission has busy session
The latest meeting of the Braxton County Commission, held last Friday, August 16, was a busy one. The meeting began with Maria Lockard, director of Braxton County Testing Services, providing[Read More…]
Sutton Town Council holds first regular monthly meeting
The Sutton Town Council conducted their most recent monthly meeting on August 8. This is the first meeting sinse the body changed from twice monthly meeting to just one gathering.[Read More…]
Braxton Commission conducts short session
Larry Clifton was the first to address the Commission at their regular meeting on Friday, August 2. The Commissioner renewed his conservation regarding the drug crisis in Braxton County. He[Read More…]
Commission hears update on broadband expansion
Two individuals at last Friday’s regular County Commission meeting gave reports of broadband expansion in the area. Melissa O’Brien of City Net gave the Commission and update on multi-county project[Read More…]
Commission Holds Special Meeting
The Braxton County Commission held a special meeting on Friday July 12. The gathering was called to order by President Lisa Godwin at 9:00 a.m.The only item on the agenda[Read More…]
Sutton Town Council Hears Citizens’ Complaints
The Sutton Town Council conducted their most recent meeting on Thursday, July 11.Mayor JD Hoover opened the meeting discussing the awning for the entrance into the town building. He stated[Read More…]
Commission hears about Bigfoot Festival success
Due to the Governor’s late proclamation on Wednesday afternoon, giving state and county employees Friday off for the 4th of July holiday, the Braxton County Commission was in their chambers[Read More…]
OES/9-1-1 Director submits resignation
An executive session regarding “OES/9-1-1 Personnel Issues” was saved until the end of last Friday’s regular Braxton County Commission meeting. A motion by Larry Lifton set the wheels in motion[Read More…]
County Commission holds Special Meeting
The Braxton County Commission held a special meeting on Wednesday, May 29. The 9:00 a.m. session was called to order by President Lisa Godwin with all commissioners in attendance. A[Read More…]