The Braxton County Commission held their regular meeting on February 7 with all Commissioners in attendance. President Lisa Godwin called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.Marie Lockard, Director of[Read More…]
Town Meeting
Burnsville holds final 2024 meeting
Burnsville officials held their final meeting of the year on December 23, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Recorder, Becky Jackson. Mayor Paul Bragg was[Read More…]
Commission proclaims Cervical Cancer Month
The Braxton County Commission approved a proclamation to declare Cervical Cancer Awareness Month in the county at their regular meeting last Friday, January 17. The action came at the request[Read More…]
Commission holds first session of new year
The Braxton County Commission conducted their first meeting of the new year last Friday, January 3, 2025. The first order of business was to reaffirm the election of the Commission[Read More…]
Commission Recognizes Outgoing Officials
One of the final acts of the Braxton County Commission at their regular meeting last Friday, December 20 was to recognize two outgoing public officials for their dedication to the[Read More…]
Sheriff Elect Williams Discusses Budget With Commission
Eddie Williams, who will be taking over as Braxton County Sheriff on January 1, addressed his concerns pertaining to the Sheriff’s Department budget at last Friday’s County Commission meeting.Williams, who[Read More…]
Commission Declares Nov. National Hospice Month
Several delegations addressed the Braxton County Commission at their regular meeting last Friday, November 15, including Mason McCann with West Virginia Caring. McCann requested that the Commission approve a proclamation[Read More…]
Commission Declares Nov. National Hospice Month
Several delegations addressed the Braxton County Commission at their regular meeting last Friday, November 15, including Mason McCann with West Virginia Caring. McCann requested that the Commission approve a proclamation[Read More…]
Sutton Town Council meets
The most recently monthly meeting of the Sutton Town Council was held on November 14. Mayor JD Hoover and council member Beth Atkins were absent from the meeting and Jon[Read More…]
Commission awarded LEDA Grant for Burnsville Public Utility Board
One of the highlights of last Friday’s Braxton County Commission meeting was presentation of a check to the Burnsville Public Utility Board for a Local Economic Development Assistance (LEDA) Grant.[Read More…]