The Braxton Democrat, Town Meeting

Hiring, and Reports Highlight County Commission Meeting

Personnel and reports highlighted the latest meeting of the Braxton County Commission held on Friday, February 16. Marie Lockard, Executive Director of Braxton County Testing Center was first to address the Commission. She presented the body with a report of the activities of her agency. That data revealed that the agency had conducted a total of 187 drug screenings during the month of January. Lockard added that all billing for the DHHR was up to date and that two checks totaling $16,900.50 had been received from DHHR.
Tiffany Prior, EMS Director was next to address the Commission. Prior requested permission to hire Logan Anthony Gregory as a part-time paramedic/driver. Gregory will be paid $21.50 per hour without county benefits. He will serve a ninety-day probation period. The request was granted on a motion by Larry Clifton.
John Hoffman, OES/9-1-1 Director presented his agencies’ activity report for the month of January. That report revealed that 2,595 calls had come into Braxton Control during the period which had generated 742 CAD emergencies. The report also detailed other activities of the OES office for the period.
Hoffman also reported on the county’s new ladder fire truck currently under construction and being funded through a FEMA grant. He stated a mid-construction visit to the support was being planned for the near future. He also stated that $19,000 to $20,000 would be needed to complete outfit the apparatus so that it meets NFPA and ISO standards. He also elaborated on the $50,000 recently obtained to provide 6 SCBA’s and 6 spare bottles for the truck though a regional National Volunteer Fire Council grant.
Assessor Edie Tichner appeared before the Commission to request that she be allowed to hire Karen Brown as a parttime employee in her office. The Assessor explained that Brown had accumulated a vast knowledge during her long tenure as Chief Tax Deputy, from which she recently retired, which would be beneficial to the Assessor’s office. Tichner requested that she be paid $15 per hour for the part-time work with no county benefits. The request was granted.
In other action, the Commission approved the short form settlements as presented by the Fiduciary Supervisor for the following: Shirley Brown, Larry Wayne Cutlip, Donna Kay Dobbins, Thelma Fitzgerald and Denzil Wine.
Motions by Larry Clifton approved the applications for correction of erroneous assessments for Ronnie R. Roby as well as the consolidation of contiguous tracts of land for tax purposes for Ronnie R. Roby, Tammy King Lowry and Anna Blair Lowry.
Two purchase orders were approved. The county maintenance truck will receive $1,320.99 in repairs from Evans Auto Repair. The county will also purchase a computer from Advance Alarm Technology for the Annex security network at a cost of $825.
The Commission approved a contract with Mon Power pertaining to aerial right-of-way for their Wilsie Road Upgrade Project.
A motion by Clifton authorized the hiring of County Surveyor Justin Meadows to survey a portion of land near the Animal Shelter for the new quarantine facility.
It was also Clifton who made a motion to appoint Commission President Lisa Godwin to represent the county on the Region 4 Governance Structure Committee for Opioid Settlements.
The Commission approved a budget revision as submitted by the County Clerk.
They reviewed bids for new doors at the Burnsville Community Center before approving the low bid from Rexroad Supply in the amount of $1,889.00.
The low bid for tires for the county maintenance truck from Evans Auto was also authorized in the amount of $877.44.
Separate motions approved the county and EMS bills for payment as well as the minutes from the Commission’s February 2 meeting.
Sheriff Lou DellaMae reported to the Commission that former Circuit Clerk J.W. Morris had agreed to administer the Civil Service test for two new deputies.
Being no further business on the agenda, the meeting adjourned at 9:21 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission is scheduled for March 1 beginning at 9:00 a.m.