The Braxton Democrat, Town Meeting

County Commission Holds Two Meetings in Three Days

Last week the Braxton County Commission hosted two meetings in a three-day period. When ask why a special meeting was necessary just two days before a regular meeting, Commission President Lisa Godwin explained that two of the matters on the agenda needed resolution before the regularly scheduled meeting.
The special meeting, with three items on the agenda, was called to order on Wednesday, February 28 at 12:00 noon. President Godwin updated her fellow commissioners on the circumstances surrounding the delinquent rent the Emergency Ambulance Authority owed the 9-1-1 system for use of the building they jointly occupy that was purchased with 9-1-1 fees.
Godwin stated that the previous minutes pertaining to the matter were not clear on how and when the money was to be repaid. She stated that the back rent owed from 2019 through December 2023 amounted to $95,000 and that the 9-1-1 Center needed the funds to cover their upcoming payroll. Larry Clifton made a motion to transfer the back rent from the general county budges line item 424 titled Other Government Entities.
The final item on the agenda was hiring a Humane Office. Godwin stated that the Commission had only received one application from Floyd Cunningham who is currently employed as the Sheriff’s Process Server. Clifton made the motion to hire Cunningham at an annual salary of $29,000 with full county benefits effective March 16.
The first regular meeting for the month of March convened the following Friday at 9:00 a.m. Tiffany Prior, EMS Director was first to address the Commission. She requested permission to hire Marsha Rexroad as a part-time administrative assistant for the Braxton County Emergency Ambulance Service Authority effective March 4. Prior explained that Rexroad would receive $16.83 per hour with no county benefits. The request was granted on a motion by Larry Clifton.
In regular business, the Commission approved the Probate Appointments as presented by the fiduciary supervisor.
A single application for corrections of erroneous assessments was approved for Jonathan Roger and Debbie Jo Eplin.
Two purchase orders were approved via separate motions. The county will purchase doors for the Burnsville Community Building from Rexroad Supply at a cost of $1,889. The County’s maintenance truck will be fitted with new tires from Evans Auto costing $832.96.
John Hoffman OES/9-1-1 Director requested the Commission approve a resolution allowing all 9-1-1 personnel to join the Emergency Medical Service Retirement System if it becomes available. Action on the request was tabled by a motion from Larry Clifton pending review.
The Commission accepted a letter of resignation for Jody Belknap from the EAS Authority and 9-1-1 Boards. Hoffman requested that Tiffany Prior be appointed to replace Belknap, which the Commission approved.
County Clerk Sue Rutherford was given permission to use the County P-Card to reserve two rooms at the Morgantown Marriott at $139 + $10 parking per night as well as two $325 registration fees for Annual Training.
The Commission approved a letter of resignation from Floyd Cunningham as Process Service and granted permission for the Sheriff to post the position internally before soliciting outside interest.
The Commission reviewed and approved the County and EMS bill for payment as well as the minutes from the Commission’s regular meeting on February 16, Board of Equalization meetings for February and the special meeting of February 28.
The meeting adjourned at 9:12 a.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Braxton County Commission will convene on March 15 at 9:00 a.m.