One of the first to address the Braxton County Commission at their regular meeting on Friday, April 19 was Kristy Veltre with Journey of Hope and Restoration ministries. Veltre detailed her agency’s work with the homeless population, primarily in Gassaway, as well as the average 300 meals per week and clothing that they provide free of charge.
She requested that the Commission utilize a portion of the OPIOID Settlement recently awarded the county to establish a homeless shelter for the area. Commission president Lisa Godwin told Veltre that the guidelines for the monies was not clear and that the commission was awaiting additional information before disbursing the funding. Godwin said that the Commission would notify Veltre when that information became available.
Marie Lockard, Director of Braxton County Testing Services was first to address the Commission. She presented the body with a report on the agency’s activities for the month of March. Those statistics revealed that the testing center had conducted 117 drug screenings.
Tiffany Prior, Braxton EMS Director, brought several items before the Commission. She requested that Brian White’s status be changed from part-time to full-time with all county benefits. She reviewed a letter of resignation from Jody Belknap from the EMS Board and requested the Commission accept it. Prior asked that John Hoffman, in his capacity as OES Director, be placed on the EMS Board. All three requests were granted via separate motions.
Prior also requested that the County provide funding for three LUCAS (Lund University Cardiopulmonary Assist Systems) at a cost of $68,853.34. She explained that the devices were very valuable in performing CPR on scene and during transport to a medical facility. Following the presentation Larry Clifton made a motion to authorize the purchase utilizing ARP funding.
Andrew Smith, Executive Director of the Braxton County Convention and Visitors Breau appeared before the Commission to provide an annual report of activities for his agency as requested by state code.
Shane Whitehair of Region VII Planning and Development Council accompanied by Rosa White and Roger Hall of the Sugar Creek PSD told the Commission of emergency repairs due to equipment failure. Whitehair explained that the $52,735.65 was money the PSD did not have and that they were still investigating what it will take to repair an extensive leak in their system. The group requested financial assistance from the County. That aid came via a motion by Larry Clifton.
Megan Stout and Floyd Cunningham of the Braxton County Animal Shelter appeared before the Commission to discuss two matters. Stout explained that a local veterinarian needed to be paid $1000 up front for spade and neutering services. She elaborated on the reasoning behind the advance payment which was approved by the Commission.
The pair were also on hand for the bid opening of a new transport vehicle for the Shelter. Lisa Godwin opened two bids and reviewed them with the other commissioners. Following a discussion, the Commission accepted a bid on a new all-wheel drive van from Mid-State Ford in Summersville at a cost of $56,139 which includes a $1,000 trade-in allowance.
In other action, the Commission approved an application for correction of erroneous assessment and a request to consolidate contiguous tracts of land for tax purposes for David and Joyce Ratliff by way of separate motions.
Administrative Assistant Heather Hardway read a resolution designating April as Fair Housing Month in Braxton County to those in attendance. Larry Clifton made the motion to approve the resolution.
The Commission approved the use of the County P-card for payment of registration fees and room reservations for the County Commissioners’ Association Annual Conference at Stonewall Resort on June 9-12 at a cost of $189 per night. The registration fees have not yet been determined.
Sheriff Lou DellaMea requested permission to hire Shawn Brown, Harry Teare, Keith Long and Kevin Bingaman as part-time deputies to work Dam Patrol. The request was approved.
The Commission accepted a pass-though reimbursement grant for Just One Generation in the amount of $9,050 for their spay/neuter assistance program.
The Commission approved a resolution to obtain property for the additional sewage treatment facility at the Animal Shelter from the Division of Highways for the sum of $1.
The Commission approved a final invoice from Flatwoods Canoe Run PSD for an emergency leak repair on Sutton Lane in the amount of $7,581.36. The amount will be paid for thought the Lost Revenue ARP funding.
A letter of resignation from Jody Belknap to the E-9-1-1 Advisory Board was reviewed a approved. The Commission reviewed and approved a request by John Hoffman to apportion Tiffany Prior, EMS Director to a seat on the Advisory Board.
The final items of business on the agenda were the payment of county and EMS bills and approval of the minutes of the Commission April 5 and 16 meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 10:08 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will be on May 3 beginning at 9:00 a.m.