Treasurer/Recorder Lisa Hamrick called the Flatwoods Town Council meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. In addition to Hamrick those present included, Police Chief Shawn Brown; Council Members: Jake Hamrick, Dennis Miller, and Luke Malensek. Citizens present were Linda James and Lorie Brown.
Lisa Hamrick read the minutes from the July 18, council meeting. Dennis Miller made the motion to approve the minutes as read.
Hamrick presented the Treasurer’s Report. Luke Malensek made the motion to approve the report as read.
The council was briefed on plans for the Flatwoods Fall Festival. Thirty-five vendors have already signed up and there are many activities planned. Bake-off contestants are needed along with participants in Trunk or Treat.
Lorie Brown talked about an email received from Nancy Gall of the USDA about a grant opportunity. There was also discussion about “Unmuffled Engine Brake”. According to the WV Municipal League, there are not any towns that have such an ordinance in WV and would be difficult to enforce.
Lisa Hamrick read the list of bills to be paid. Jake Hamrick made a motion to approve the bill list as read.
Luke Malensek made a motion to accept the quote from All State Paving for work in the city, to be paid from with American Rescue Act Plan Funds. Being no further business, Jake Hamrick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 p.m.