Buying two new vehicles and a used one for the Sheriff’s Department was a topic of last Friday’s Braxton County Commission meeting. Bryce Scarbro, Chief Deputy, was on hand to make proposals to the Commission to sell three surplus cruisers and purchase two new Ford Explorers and a used one.
Deputy Scarbro explained that his department would like to purchase two new 2022 Ford Explorers from Dana Safety Supply of Norton, VA. He explained that the vehicles are fully equipped as police cruisers and come road ready. The total cost would be $98,610. The Deputy also outlined the purchase of a used 2014 Ford Explorer cruiser from Asia Motors in Melrose Park, a cost of $16,595.
The vehicles will replace three Ford Crown Victoria police vehicles that were purchased used. The surplus vehicles were identified as 2-2010 models and one 2006. Only one of which is currently drivable. Deputy Scarbro also requested permission to take sealed bids to dispose of the cars. Commission President Lisa Godwin stated that she understood that sealed bids could only be used from items under $1,000. The President explained that the County was planning an auction in the Spring and the vehicles could be included. It was decided to utilize that method of disposing of surplus equipment since that was some question as to the $1,000 value for sealed bids.
Commissioners questioned if the Sheriff has solicited local bids and/or checked the cost of the vehicles through the State bidding process. The Deputy stated that they had not, primarily due to the fact that the vehicles were configured for cruiser use. Scarbro stated he would get additional bids and information for comparison. The Commission tabled action on the request pending that additional information.
In other action, a motion by Larry Clifton approved the probate appointments for the month of January as presented.
Three purchase orders were up for consideration. The Sheriff asked permission to purchase an ID maker system to be utilized with the issuance of Concealed Weapon Permits from IDVilla at cost of $1,982.82 plus shipping. The remaining two were to American Garage Door for repair and preplacement of panels on doors at the 9-1-1 Center totaling $3,342.00. All three requests were approved via separate motions.
Following a brief discussion, Melvin Gum made a motion to hire Rachel Davis as a temporary part-time custodian at a pay rate of $10.00 per hour with no county benefits.
Larry Clifton introduced action to approve the surety bond certification with People Bank.
The Commission approved the formulation of a Citizens Participation Plan for the County that will meet mandates for future grant applications.
The Commission approved a checklist of county owned property for renewal of insurance through the WVCoRP.
Larry Clifton’s motion granted a request from John Hoffman to use the county P-card for registration fees for two dispatchers to attend the WV APCO Conference in Charleston on April 17-21.
It was also Clifton who made a motion to approve the job description for a Security Officer’s position for the Courthouse Annex building.
Following reviews, the County and EMS bills as well as the minutes from the Commission’s January 21st meeting were approved as presented on separate motions by Melvin Gum.
Being no further business to consider the Commission adjourned at 9:36 a.m. Their next regularly scheduled meeting will be on February 18 beginning at 9:00 a.m.