Braxton Citizens' News, Community, Town Meeting

Sutton Council hears request from Braxton Motor developer

The Sutton Town Council heard a request from Doug Pauley, a real estate developer who plans to convert the old Braxton Motor building on Main Street into a 25-unit complex to house elderly residents last Thursday, April 25 at their meeting.

Pauley came before the council to request that they allow him to designate the parking spaces on Riverview Drive behind the building as residential parking only. He explained that the additional parking was necessary for his application to WV Housing Development Fund for funding and tax credits which as due to be submitted in May. He added that if the request was approved, construction would begin in Spring of 2025 and take an estimated 10 to 12 months to complete. He told the Council that the additonial parking would allow for a gazebo and green space for the residents.

He also requested that if city leaders knew of anyone who might want to establish a coffee shop inside the first floor of the complex, to have them get in touch with him. No action was taken on the matter while the council reviews the request

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor J.D. Hoover. All members were present except Jon Crum. Following Pauley’s presentation, the mayor requested the council approve or correction of the minutes of the Council’s April 11 and 16 meetings. That request, to approve the minutes as presented, was granted on a motion by Catherine Hoover.

Recorder Robyn Dolan presented a list of bills to be paid which were approved on a motion by Councilwoman Beth Atkins.

Robyn Dolan gave an update on road work with the city limits. She said that work on the streets and ditches was progressing.

Administrative Assistant Robin Smith reported that the community building had been completely replumbed and that all was going well. She added that she was still awaiting a quote on the awning the council was considering.

Mayor Hoover read a permit application for Chris Cogar to keep fowl at 115 South Industrial Avenue. The request was granted on a motion by Beth Atkins.

Atkins also read a request from Suzanne McGowen to appropriate $300 for flowers to be placed in the flowerpots on Main Street. That request was approved on a motion by Catherine Hoover. At the Mayor’s request, the council adjourned into an executive session to discuss personnel at 6:35 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 7:02 p.m. with no action taken. The meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.