Braxton County High School hosted their second annual SAT School Day Scholars Awards Ceremony last Tuesday, March 26. “As most upperclassmen already know and underclassmen will quickly come to understand, SAT School Day is a big deal during your eleventh-grade year of school,” said Janis Collins in our opening remarks. “You see, at the end of this particular year, every junior will take the SAT as a measure of all that they have learned throughout their school career. These scores are calculated and used as a measure of individual achievement for each of you and collective achievement for our school. You can use your official score for college entrance, scholarship applications, and even as a measure of knowledge for future employers.
“The state board of education also uses these scores to rate our school and how well prepared BCHS students are when they leave us. We all know that a single exam cannot possibly tell people everything they need to know about a student, but we want it to be as accurate as possible. We want everyone in our state to know what we know- that each of you is a highly capable young person.”
Teacher members of the 11th grade team announced the incentives that each student has earned for their level of achievement, along with the recipient’s name. Superintendent Dr. Burge-Tetrick presented incentive packages to each of the winners while Principal Stover distributed honor cords for the students to wear at graduation.
The incentive packages include a variety of gifts and rewards including being exempt from their English, history and non-core exams, early dismissal to lunch, free sports tickets for events of their choosing, a concession voucher, purchase a yearbook at ½ price, and free prom tickets and graduation tickets.
Mr. Jerry Frame presented the awards for Mastery in English: Taylor Abel, SkyLynn Abraham, Kelsie Balis, McKenzie Belknap, Devin Bush, Paxton Conley, Reese Given, Sienna Gwynn, Logan Helmick, Jadah Hendricks, James Hyre, Blayne Jarvis, Jeremy Kelly, Adrian Lunceford, Morgan McCumbers, Bradley Meadows, Lanah Mollohan, Erica Nicholson, Zach Rhodes, Mayson Shingler, Leah Tanner, Abbey Toler, Tommy Toler, Lauren White and Andrew Wyne.
Mackenzie Helmick recognized the students who achieved Mastery in Math. They were Skylar Davis and Lacie Wright.
Helmick and announced those who scored above Mastery English. They were William Keenan, Landon Stewart and Morgan Whitney.
The following students scored Mastery in English and Math Dalaney Haines, Kaden Kennen, Mikaya Moore, Lindsay Tetrick and Ivan Vagott.
Dr. Ethan Backus honored those who scored Mastery in Math above Mastery in English. They were Sawyer Bleigh, William Burkowski, Nickolas Brown, Wyatt Dennison, Elijah Meckley, Haley Morris, Bredyan Riffle and Savannah Smith.
Jadyn Squired scored Above Mastery in Math and Mastery in English.
The following students scored Above Mastery in Math and Above Mastery in English: Mark Byerly, Emily Brown, Makenna Davis, Jeffrey Evans, Sydney Lanagan, Cade Lancaster and Riley Martin.
Heather Sodaro recognized students who achieved PSAT Benchmark and/or Above Benchmark Math and ELA. The PSAT is an important test as it is a predictor of how well juniors will perform on SAT School Day, and it also enables educators to pinpoint weak areas so that students can improve before taking the actual test.
Despite the struggles that occurred on the PSAT, we had some standout students during this test. As a result, a select group of this year’s juniors will be rewarded for their efforts on PSAT day.
These students have met benchmarks for both English and math on the PSAT, meaning they scored at least a 460 in English and a 510 in math on the practice exam: Levi Allen, Josh Carter, Adam Cosner, Braelyn Criner, Brian Davis, Emily Garrett, Alysa Louk, Remington Loyd, Owen McCallister, Mason Odell, Noah Skidmore and Allie White.
Superintendent Tetrick provided the closing remarks for the Tuesday ceremony. She emphasized the importance of testing and scores rising in the future.