Consistent with their belief that wide scale spay and neutering of cats is the only effective way to address the feline overpopulation problem in our area, Just One Generation cat rescue and the Braxton County Animal Shelter have teamed up to offer cat owners in the community an opportunity for free transport services between Braxton Co. and the FixEm Clinic in Charleston. This one-time event will take place on Wednesday, March 20.
Many female cats have been or are in heat now. The event is aimed at those unable to secure a timely appointment with local vet offices, or those who need to access the discounted rates offered by the subsidized spay and neuter clinics.
Fifteen vet slots for both male and female cats have been reserved for that day. The van will load and leave the Frametown park-n-ride (located adjacent to the southbound ramp of Exit 51 off I-79) at 7am that morning and will return to the same place with the cats for pick-up approximately 5pm that evening. The cost for a female spay and rabies vaccine is $70, and for a male neuter and rabies vaccine it is $60. There is no charge for transport. Money is due the morning of the transport. All cats must be scheduled and registered in advance. For additional information and registration, contact Sally Stewart at 304-364-4136.