Braxton County High School Principal Lori Stover-Williams opened the most recent Braxton County Board of Education meeting held on February 6. She reviewed benchmark test scores, as well as PSAT and NOCTI, from the end of last year to the second benchmark this year. Principal Stover-Williams also discussed the graduation rate-currently 132 seniors are on track to graduate, number of students failing classes, attendance, disciplinary referrals, credit recovery, and college/AP credits. All of which show positive gains.
Finance Director Ginger Altizer discussed ESSERF/ARP fund transfers with board members before they approved the consent agenda items. Work is still ongoing with the HVAC replacement at the high school and she will come back once all costs are determined. The bids came in well under budget leading to the possibility of creating a change order to finish replacing all units instead of the just the ones in the initial bids. After her discussion, the board approved the following consent agenda items on a motion by Dr. Kenna Seal: minutes of January 22 special meeting and January 23 regular meeting; budget transfers and supplements; and payment of bills.
Director Altizer also discussed with board members the Individual School Audits and Corrective Action Plans. Nothing serious was noted on the audits for any of the schools; most were just minor oversights. The board approved the audits and action plans on a motion by Kevin Gregory.
Superintendent Dr. Donna Burge-Tetrick remarked on the recent Math Field Day. She also informed the board the BCHS Band Director and received a grant to purchase 30 guitars for music students at the high school.
Director of Legal Services, Melissa Adkins provided board members with an overview of the Reduction in Force (RIF)/transfer procedures as the school system is heading into personnel season. She discussed the factors determining which positions will be cut and how staff realignment works.
Head Start Director Christina Bailey discussed the funded enrollment initiative plan for Head Start and Head Start goals. Currently, Head Start does not have 100% enrollment. Numbers dropped during covid and the plan will work towards increasing enrollment numbers. On a motion by Lisa Ratliff, the board approved the plan, goals, and her request to apply for reduction in enrollment if needed.
Under regular business, the following personnel recommendations were approved on a motion by Lisa Ratliff after an hour long executive session: resignations for Brenda Wells, change to the effective date for her retirement from June 30 to February 7, and Sue White, PLC facilitator, Sutton; employment of Fletcher Kinder, PE teacher, BCMS, Tyler Toler, substitute teacher, Kassidy Dobbins, PE/planning teacher, Sutton, substitute aides-Christine McCourt, Amellia Cutlip, and Alicia White (also itinerant preschool supervisory/instructional/transportation aide, Burnsville), David Lewis, head track coach, BCMS, Shannon Rhodes, assistant softball coach, BCMS, and after school student tutors for Flatwoods- Jeffery Evans, Haley Morris, and Skyler Davis.
Dr. Burge-Tetrick noted there was nothing new to report on the cell tower litigation.
Dr. Kenna Seal led action that approved posting for part-time, temporary data support position for Head Start for no more than ten hours per week at $25 per hour and for Christina Bailey to attend the National Institute on Legal Issues of Special Education Conference in Savannah, GA May 5-8.
The board approved the request for BCHS CTE, special education employees, and principal to travel to Nashville July 9-12 for SREB Making Schools Work Conference on a motion by Kevin Gregory. Also permission for Katy Singleton, Burnsville teacher, to attend the NEA National Leadership Summit in Chicago, IL March 1-3 was approved on a motion by Dr. Kenna Seal.
Kevin Gregory made the motion for the approval to post and hire teachers for afterschool STEM programs at BCMS and BCHS.
Board members approved to modify the preschool schedule for one week at Sutton and Frametown to allow students the opportunity to visit Clay2Go and Disney on Ice on a motion by Lisa Ratliff.
The Mon Power Right of Way Easement/Frametown Community Building property was approved by the board on a motion by Kevin Gregory.
The third and final reading of Policy 4225, Alternative Education Placement, was approved by a motion from Dr. Kenna Seal. According to the superintendent, they decided not to change the language of the policy. The new policy currently has more flexibility and allows for students to have proper due process.
Final action of the long meeting was the approval of the superintendents’ recommendation that BCS opt into the proposed settlement regarding In re McKinsey & Co., Inc., National Prescription Opiate Consultation Litigation.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 pm. The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 27 at 6:00 pm. As always, members of the Braxton County community are encouraged to attend regular board meetings. Anyone wishing to speak as a delegate or with public concerns may do so by signing in up to 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.