The Braxton County Commission held a near record breaking short session last Friday, February 2. The meeting lasted just 7 minutes. The record is believed to be five minutes. Lisa Godwin, president called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance.
Marsha Rexroad was the only one to address the body. She spoke on behalf of EMS Director Tiffany Prior. Rexroad reviewed Prior’s letter requesting that Sheri Garren be hired as the Administrative Assistant for the Braxton County Emergency Ambulance Service Authority. Rexroad explained that Garren would be replacing her in light of her recently announced retirement. The letter explained that Garren would be hired at a beginning annual salary of $32,000 with all county benefits. She will serve a ninety-day probationary period beginning February 5. Upon a positive evaluation at the end of her probationary period Garren salary would be increased to $35,000. After hearing the details, Larry Clifton made a motion to approve the request.
In other action, the Commission approved the probate appointments as submitted by the County Clerk.
Clifton also introduced action to approve an application for correction of an erroneous assessment for Paul and Twila Beatty.
The Commission approved the resignation of Eddie Williams from the Civil Service Board and Holly Gray Park Board of Directors. He sited his bid for the office of Sheriff in the upcoming election as a reason for resigning to eliminate any conflict of interest.
The Commission reviewed and approved the WVcorp 2024-25 Renewal Checklist.
President Lisa Godwin stated that the agenda item dealing with the appointment of a new board member to the Braxton County Health Department at the request of the Board needed to be tabled. She went on to explain that the Board had called an emergency meeting by telephone on Thursday due to the sudden resignation of their newly hired administrator. A media representative pointed out a meeting solely by telephone even in an emergency situation was likely a violation of the State’s Open Meetings law since the public would have no knowledge nor ability to attend. President Godwin said the Board had another meeting planned for February 5.
Following a review, both the county vouchers and EMS bills were approved. As was the Commission’s minutes of their January 26 meeting. Botrh were approved via separate motions.
The meeting adjourned at 9:07 a.m. on a motion by Larry Clifton. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will convene at 9:00 a.m. on February 16.