Andrea Nichols from Peoples Bank was the first to speak at the most recent Braxton County Commission meeting on December 1. She provided information on two programs her bank offers, Work Place Banking and Hometown Heroes. These programs can be offered to employees of business who bank with Peoples and offer various benefits including free checks, savings in closing costs, and reduced loan rates. The programs do not costs the county anything to participate and it is open to new and existing customers of Peoples Bank. Commission President Lisa Godwin stated she would have the information distributed to all departments to give employees the opportunity to participate if they chose.
Following the presentation, President Lisa Godwin took the opportunity to welcome back John Hoffman, OES/9-1-1 Director before moving on with meeting.
BCSD Deputy Luke Johnson and Deputy Bradley Williams presented a request to the commission for payments on a 2023 Ford Explorer to be paid for out of the Home Confinement funds. President Lisa Godwin asked for clarification that Deputy Andrew Jordan not only served as home confinement officer but also for regular patrol as a deputy. The deputies confirmed that was correct. She went on to note an email from February that stated those funds could only be used for direct home confinement activities and therefore would not cover the purchase of a vehicle that would not be used 100% by home confinement.
The commission did grant the request to make Deputy Bradley Williams Assistant Home Confinement Officer to assist Deputy Andrew Jordan if he was unable to perform his duties at any time.
Under regular business, the commission approved the probate appoints for November on a motion by Larry Clifton.
During the meeting, the commission opened the single bid they received from Barker Construction in the amount of $12,500 for the roof of deputy’s office building and $24,700 for the roof of the storage building at 402 Riverview Drive. It was noted that seven contractors were contacted to submit bids. Of those three stated they would, but only one actually submitted a bid for the roof repairs. The bids were approved.
Two separate purchase orders were approved on separate motions by Larry Clifton. One purchase order was for Rexroad Supply for two commercial steel flush door slabs/deadbolt bore/hinges/lockset and deadbolt/20-minute fire rated for 9-1-1 building and the second was for GST for Dell Latitude 3540 laptop for the county commission.
The commission approved the agreement for the deposit of public funds/security bonds with City National Bank for 2024.
The Affidavit of Sheriff as to the list of tax liens certified to State of West Virginia, certified to State, redeemed prior to sale and suspended by the Sheriff was approved as presented.
An internal budget revision for the Sheriff Process Server Fund in the amount of $179 was approved by the commission.
The commission approved to advertise for Board of Health Member following the resignation of Sarah Rexroad.
After a brief discussion, Kim Jackson will be contacted to submit a written motion for a hearing regarding the estate of Cheryl Jackson, deceased. The hearing will be set for some time in January.
President Lisa Godwin requested the two invoices from Evan’s Auto to be removed from payment of bills. She asked Sheriff Lou DellaMea to request one purchase order to cover the costs in those invoices as it was over $500. One invoice was for the front brakes and rotors and the second invoice was for the back brakes and rotors on the 2022 Ford Explorer. The invoices for county-minus the two to Evan’s Auto, P-cards, and EMS were then approved by the commission.
The final action was the approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on November 17.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 am and the next regular meeting will be on December 15 at 9:00 am.