Where has this year gone? I can ask that question on multiple fronts. Here we are just a mere 6 newspapers from the end of another year.
Of course, Thanksgiving is just days away and then it’s full speed ahead to Christmas.
This past Sunday marked the competition of my 74th trip around the sun, so I have that to be thankful for when I sit down for dinner on Thursday. There certainly have been ups and downs this year, but at my age, just the fact that I’m still here to start another journey is plenty to be thankful for.
Additionally, my health is still relatively good. Naturally, I can’t do what I once did, nor can I “do it once as good as I ever did” as the song says. But I truly am thankful to still be behind this desk and spending quality time with my family. Fortunately, all the kids and grandchildren are close by. Maddie is the furthest away in Morgantown, but we get to see her often.
A recent change in medication from one of my doctors has improved the quality of my free time. I actually have the energy and stamina to do something besides sitting in my chair and watching television. With the help of my good friend Doug Martin, I actually got my motorcycle running again. It had sat in the garage, unattended, for so long I couldn’t get it started. Doug diagnosed the problem and I ordered and installed the new part. That, plus a new battery, coupled with a little patience, (which admittedly, I’m rather short of these days) enabled me to take a short ride Friday after work.
When I returned to the house, I got out my pressure washer and gave the “ole girl” a good bath. She is presentable now and ready for her winter nap. Before that happens, she will get a good coat of wax and leather conditioner. Who knows… with this crazy weather we have… there may be another ride or two in my future before the snow flies.
When Thursday rolls around, I have plenty to be thankful for and I certainly won’t forget who is responsible for all the good things that I have enjoyed this year and the seventy-three prior to that. I can only hope that you too have been blessed and can enjoy a day of thanks-giving.