The Gassaway Lions Club had a very active meeting recently. Their guest speakers represented the Braxton County Animal Shelter and Braxton County Development Authority. Sally Stewart and Megan Stout from the Animal Shelter made a presentation on the proposed expansion at the facility and status of fundraising. After discussion, the Lions club awarded a $1,000 contribution to the project, which will be matched by the Braxton County Rotary Club.
Next to the podium was Lisa Godwin from the BCDA who gave a presentation on the status of several projects ongoing in the county. She also discussed several recent grants awarded Braxton County.
In regular business the Lions Club reviewed three requests for assistance with eye exams and glasses purchase. They also approved a small donation to Slippers for Seniors that City National Bank is promoting.
Gassaway Lions Club would like to thank all the people who donated to their fall gun raffle. The winners of the Ruger 308 deer rifle with scope and the Tristar 20-gauge shotgun were Mary Harris and Roger Flint.
The Gassaway Lions Club is an active community service organization. The club meets the second Thursday of the month at 6pm. Anyone interested in joining should contact any Lion or Randy Foster at 304-364-5989.