Braxton Citizens' News, Community, Town Meeting

Commission has busy session

The Braxton County Commission had a full plate at their meeting last Friday, October 20.

With all Commissioners present, Lisa Godwin called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Marie Lockard, Director of Braxton County Testing Services was first to address the body. She presented the activity report of her agency for the month of September. That report revealed that BCTSC had conducted a total of 220 drug screenings for the month and had billed the DHHR for $10,320 for services rendered.

Tyer Long, 9-1-1 supervisor presented the Commission with the September monthly report of the emergency communications center. That report showed a total of 2,658 calls coming into the center. Of that 862 were CADD emergencies… 520 were directed to county law enforcement agencies, 243 were EMS related while 95 pertained to the county’s 6 fire departments.

Marsha Rexroad filled in for EMS Director Tiffany Prior who was on an ambulance run. On behalf of Prior, Rexroad requested that Lindsay May Schrader be hired as a part-time paramedic/driver at an hourly rate of $21.50 per hour. Schrader will not receive additional county benefits and will serve a 90-day probationary period. Rexroad also requested that Edward L. Davis be hired as a full-time Emergency Vehicle Operator at $14.00 per hour with full county benefits. He too will serve a 90-day probationary period. Both were approved via separate motions.

The Commission reviewed a request from Shane Whitehair, Executive Director of Region VII Planning and Development Council to pass a resolution and approve requisitions for the Flatwoods Canoe Run PSD’s Exchange Waterline Project Phase III. That request was approved on a motion by Larry Clifton.

April Lloyd, Administrator of the Braxton County Health Department requested that the Commission reimburse her agency for work to upgrade cabling at the Health Department building owned by the County. She explained that the cabling was very antiquated and was not serviceable, which prompted the upgrade. Lloyd asked for $3,932.42 to be returned to the BCHD. That request was approved.

In other action the Commission approved the short for settlements for the following as submitted by the Fiduciary Supervisor: Harry Vinton Dean Jr., Thomas A. Friend, Charles Elliott Mollohan, Betty Sue Moore, and Peggy Ann Riffle.

Applications for corrections of erroneous assessments for the following were approved: Paula Meadows, Marry Beth & Richard Fields, Debra D. Heater Peters.

The Commission reviewed and approved a letter of resignation from Floyd Cunningham as a part-time Security Officer for the Courthouse Annex effective 10/27/2023. Separate action authorized the Commission to place advertisements to fill the vacancy.

Sheriff Lou DellaMea presented a request to hire Floyd Cunningham as a full-time process serve effective 11/01/2023. That request was approved.

The Commission reviewed and approved a letter of resignation from Tiffany Brown as Deputy County Clerk. Sue Rutherford, County Clerk requested that she be allowed to hire Amber Dawn DeWitt to fill the vacancy. That request was approved.

Following a discussion, the Commission set December 9 as the date for an auction to sell county surplus property which will include 3 police cruisers.

The Commission read a letter from Mary Wine requesting reimbursement for a refrigerator for the Copen Community Center. The Commission authorized the payment of $640.93 to Wine for the equipment.

November 17 at 10:00 a.m. was the date the Commission chose for a requested hearing involving the estate of Larry Carson.

The Commission approved the internal budget revisions to the county’s Hotel/Motel fund as requested by the County Clerk.

The Commission discussed then passed a resolution to authorize President Lisa Godwin to enter into a contractual agreement with the WV Records Management and Preservation Grant program to provide funding to digitize additional county records. The grant will be for $10,000 with a 10% match. The work will be performed by Precision Service in Gassaway.

The Commission tabled action on an agenda item titled, “Follow-up Discussion on leaks at Frametown Community Building.” President Godwin told the body that the county maintenance department had inspected the building and additional discussion was needed prior to any action being taken. The Commission deferred that discussion until their next work session.

Following a brief discussion, the Commission authorized the placement of advertisements soliciting bids for a truck for the Maintenance Department.

Larry Clifton introduced a motion to provide a letter of support for John Norman, Mon Power’s application for a Department of Energy, RRR (Rural Rebuild and Reconductor) project.

The Commission authorized the use of the County’s P-card to pay for lodging for the County Commissioner’s Asso-ciation’s fall board meeting at Cacapon State Part on October 29 & 30 at $98 per night.

The final actions, prior to adjournment, were payment of the county and EMS bills and approval of minutes of the Commission’s meeting of October 6.

The meeting adjourned at 9:31 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will be on November 3 beginning at 9:00 a.m.