One of the results of last Friday’s regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission was the funding of upgrades to the 9-1-1 communications center. Barbara Adams, chairwoman of the E-9-1-1 Advisory Board presented the request to the Commission in the absence of Director John Hoffman.
Adams explained that the consoles at Braxton Control were obsolete, and parts were not available when repairs were needed. She further explained that the preferred vendor had announced a price increase effective July 1. She stated that two consoles were needed at $15,000 each and requested that the Commission provide the funding from their ARP Lost Revenue Funding. She asked that the vendor be requested to invoice the units separately to meet the July 1 deadline before the price increase. It was pointed out that such measures would not withstand audit scrutiny as they in effect violated State guidelines for bidding. Adams apologized and stated that was certainly not Her’s nor the Board’s intent. Following a brief discussion Larry Clifton made the a motion to purchase one unit at this time and request the vendor hold the price for 60 to 90 days on the second unit.
Adams also presented the Commission with an explanation, prepared by Director Hoffman, regarding the replacement of the Legacy Radio System. She stated that attempts were ongoing to obtain grant funding, but the system was going to have to be replaced as it was utilized by fire, EMS and police agencies in the county. She indicated the price would be around $400,000 and requested the Commission also look into using ARP funding for match funding or to purchase the system in the event grants were unsuccessful.
Marie Lockard of the Braxton County Testing Center was first to address the Commission. She presented the body with an activity report for her agency. That information stated that BCTSC had conducted a total of 267 drug screenings during the month of May. She also confirmed that one individual had completed the requirements of their home confinement and had been released.
Braxton County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, William “Bill” McCourt requested that an 8,000 btu window air conditioner be added to the Prosecuting Attorney’s office. He also presented the Commission with a letter of resignation from Mary Beth Smith. In the letter Smith stated that the 14 years she had worked for the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office had been very rewarding, but she was going to pursue a different career path as she had accepted an administration specialist position with the Elk Conservation District. Separate motions approved the request and Smith’s resignation.
Eddie Williams addressed the Commission on upgrades that needed to be made to the Falls Mill Community Building which belongs to the county. President Lisa Godwin stated that she would have the Maintenance Department look at the needs.
Laurel Petolicchio presented the final paperwork requesting the use of the Courthouse Square for the WV Bigfoot Festival. Permission was granted on a motion by Melvin Gum.
Dylan Johnson, representing the Burnsville Public Utility Board, gave the Commission an update on various projects that involved the Commission and the BPUB. He requested financial assistance to help defray the rising cost of chemicals used to treat water. He requested $11,856 from the APR Lost Revenue Fund. That request was granted on a motion by Larry Clifton.
Commissioner Larry Clifton addressed the body to clarify recent statements he felt may have been confusing. He stated that while he and Commission President Lisa Godwin sometime disagreed, he felt that no one should question her integrity.
Roger Hall of the Sugar Creek PSD discussed financial issues his agency was experiencing with the Commission. He stated that while the PSD had applied for rate increases, they were going through the Public Service Commission process and the district was getting further and further behind in paying their bills due to rapidly increasing costs. Following the discussion, Melvin Gum made a motion to provide the PSD with $10,000 to assist in their financial dilemma.
Hall also explained the PSD’s need for a used backhoe. After hearing the request, the Commission told Hall to have his agency obtain prices.
Later in the meeting, Jon Crum, a member of the Sutton Town Council, requested that the Commission determine who was responsible for repairs that need to be made to the old bridge, which is now utilized only for foot traffic, at the head of Main Street. Lisa Godwin said the Commission would research the matter and get back to the Town.
In other action, Short Form Settlements for the following were approved: Larry Joe Brown, Marvin Eugene Hacker, Norman E. Nottingham, Lucille Rhodes and Jerome D. Roche.
A motion by Larry Clifton approved the applications for correction of erroneous assessments for Rodney Luzader and David or Lois Teets.
Consolidation of contiguous tracts of land for tax purposes was also approved for Charles Q. Strickland.
A single purchase order for the Sheriff to purchase 38,500 tax statements and envelopes from Casto and Harris at a cost of $3,143 was approved.
Three separate internal budget revisions were approved via separate motions.
Sheriff Lou DellaMea presented a letter of resignation from William Van Carr as a part-time bailiff for the court system. He also requested permission to advertise to fill the vacancy. The resignation and request were both approved.
Assessor Edie Tichner presented a letter of resignation from Jessica Harper.
The Commission reviewed a letter from the Braxton County Development Authority requesting that Brenda Gregory, Ron Facemire, Ed Given and Kenna Seal be reappointed to their Board. That action was authorized on a motion by Larry Clifton.
The EMS Board also requested that John David Jordan, Lisa Godwin and Lou DellaMea be reappointed. That action was approved as was a request to reappoint Randy James, Lisa Godwin and Lou DellaMea to the OES/9-1-1 Board.
Melvin Gum introduced action to approve the HAVA Subgrant Agreement.
The Commission approved the purchase of the Reporting Standard Purchase Order and Sales Order Agreement with ES&S.
The Commission approved a resolution to create two funds for use of the County Clerk for designated election administration funds and for Record Room and Electronic Recording Act Funds.
Commission President Godwin asked if fellow Commissioners had reviewed the bills proposed for payment and the minutes of the Commission’s June 2 meeting before entertaining motions to approve them.
The meeting adjourned at 9:58 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will be on July 7 beginning at 9:00 a.m.