Braxton Citizens' News, Community, Town Meeting

Sutton Council has busy session

The most recent meeting of the Sutton Town Council was held on April 27.

As a follow up to the previous discussion on the pool, Mayor JD Hoover noted the town had received notice from Doug Smailes that he had resigned from the Braxton County Recreation Association two years prior. Mayor Hoover also received a letter from Mike Baker on behalf of the JC Baker estate, saying he would like to discuss options on what to do with the property. Catherine Hoover again noted the town had no connection to the pool and it would be up to the recreation association to make those decisions. 

Janet Six informed council that OES/9-1-1 and dispatch are aware of the plans and road closures for the WV Bigfoot Festival and are on board. Steve Facemire noted he felt the best way to handle the road closures would to also close North Hill Road coming off of Town Hill to Riverview Drive from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm on June 24 and making North Haymond Avenue a two-way road. Six stated she would speak to John Hoffman, OES/9-1-1 Director and inform him of the changes.

Beth Atkins informed the council that Russell Bramble, senior at Braxton County High School, tied for first place for his seal design. He used the seal design as his senior project.

Steve Facemire updated council on the work done on the culvert coming off of Town Hill at Fifth Street. The opening to the culvert was located, cleaned out and the work completed restoring the drain. Jon Crum noted he found debris in the water channel coming off of the hill from the work completed by Flatwoods Canoe Run on fixing the sewer lines. He is concerned the debris, including fragments of the old clay sewer lines they replaced, could potentially come off of the hill and clog the culvert back up again. Facemire stated he would have one of the town employees to get photos to send to FCR so the issue could be addressed.

Catherine Hoover noted the timbers placed on North Hill Road looked good.

Recorder Robyn Dolan updated the on the work filling potholes by the WVDOH coming into town.

Council discussed the updated bid they had received for paving work to be completed on South Short Street and Birch Street. Another bid will be coming from the same company for Curtin Avenue. Jon Crum made the motion to table the discussion until all bids were received.

Jon Crum asked about the crosswalks in town being repainted. Steve Facemire stated that was on the list completion for town employees.

Steve Facemire discussed the chipper on loan from the Town of Gassaway. The town employees have been working on cleaning up limbs and trees throughout town using the chipper. Mulch is available for residents next to the burn pile on Edgar Given Parkway. Facemire also stated he would look into getting quotes for the town to purchase their own chipper and have those for the next meeting.

Mayor Hoover informed council the applicant for Police Chief would be coming to the next meeting.

Municipal Judge Rodney Jamison updated council on work done on state property code violations and the adoption of those codes by municipalities. He will be meeting with state representatives and the Town of Gassaway in the near future. Jon Crum, Steve Facemire, and Catherine Hoover stated they would like to attend the meeting. Municipal Judge Jamison noted he would also be in contact with the Town of Burnsville. By adopting the state codes, the town will be able to work on addressing abandoned buildings and will be eligible to grants for those projects.

Beth Atkins stated that she found out Waste Management does take tires, two tires every three months and it is listed under bulk items.

She also updated council on the discussion of elevator or chair lift. Atkins spoke with the WV Department of Labor, the town will have to pay $90 per year for a chair lift and have it inspected yearly at a cost of $128. She contacted the inspectors to get names for a company that can do the installation of a chair lift. She has two names and will be getting bids. She is also still working on getting the building listed as historical.

Atkins also is looking into options for a construction company to possibly build the storage building on the town property on Town Hill as previously discussed. Steve Facemire discussed possibly selling that lot and looking into buying property on Riverview Drive behind the doctor’s office and FCR.

She also got potting soil donated by the Christ Church that filled in the welcome signs coming into town and will be used in the flower pots in town. Jon Crum asked for an update on the replacement of the plexiglass on the welcome signs. Steve Facemire stated it was still on the list to be completed.

Steve Facemire discussed clearing the bank at the Farmers Market and using the mulch to cover the bank.

Jon Crum discussed leaving the American and WV State flags out all the time or for just special occasions. Council decided to leave them out from two weeks before Memorial Day until one week after Veterans Day going forward. They will see how the hold up to the weather this year.

Municipal Clerk Robin Smith updated council on the storm water runoff project. Paperwork has been completed for the grant to continue. Region VII had to ask for a brief extension in order to get all of the documents completed.

Under regular action, the council approved the minutes of the April 13 regular meeting and April 18 special meeting with corrections on a motion by Jon Crum.

The payment of bills was approved on a motion by Steve Facemire. He also made the motion to approve the two construction permits as presentation.

The council approved to reappoint Barbara Lawrence as a trustee for the Sutton Public Library to a five year term on a motion by Steve Facemire.

Jon Crum made the motion to approve the first reading of the ordinance amendment 1-131 poll worker salary from $100 to $150 per day.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:54 pm. The next regular meeting is set for May 11 at 6:00 pm.