Braxton Citizens' News, Community, Town Meeting

Sutton Council meeting held

The Sutton Town Council conducted their most recent regular meeting on December 15. Mayor JD Hoover was absent and the Recorder position has not been filled, so Councilman Steve Facemire called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

The first to address council members was Terry Perkins, representing the Sutton Moose Lodge, and Jamie Summerlin, from Operation Welcome Home in Morgantown. The pair asking permission to hold an event the first week of June 2023 on Flint field. Council members asked them to put together their proposal and get on the agenda for approval.

Facemire updated the council on the status of the salt spreader and truck. The spreader is working; however there are a few issues with the plow truck. It is at Mid-State Chevy for repairs.

Councilman Jon Crum discussed issues with Birch Street and South Short Street needing repairs. Estimates need to be completed for paving for both streets.  Council members discussed issues with Curtin Avenue and South Industrial as well. Robyn Dolan discussed meeting with the DOH to work on a plan of action for roads in the town limits for the new year. Jon Crum made the motion to get estimates for Birch and South Short streets paving that was approved by council.

Municipal Clerk Robin Smith announced to council that the grant for the drain work coming off of Town Hill has been approved.

Beth Atkins reviewed the request for the purchase of 24 boxes of ceiling tiles for the community building, Mayor’s office and hallway. The clerk’s office and the council chambers have already been completed. The council approved the request on a motion by Catherine Hoover. Steve Facemire noted that he had received positive comments on the appearance of the building from a recent rental of the community building.

The council discussed having a ramp built between the two doors coming into the building. Steve Facemire stated he would speak with the town workers to see if they would be able to complete the work.

The council had their first reading on the updates to the ordinances. Jon Crum reviewed the updates to the ordinances with council. The ordinances are on the town website,, under the Documents tab or community members can stop by the Mayor’s office to review ordinances. Council will have a special meeting, December 29 at 6:00 pm, for the second reading.

Beth Atkins noted there will be a meeting on January 24 at 6:00 pm for an update on the progress of the Elk River Trail. She discussed grants are available to repair the façade of buildings. The organization is applying for other grants for signage and other items for our area. They are still working on extending the trail up to the dam.

Municipal Clerk asked for council to make a decision on what company will be used for accepting credit cards. Robyn Dolan moved to approve the state recommended system which was approved by council.

Laurel Petolicchio requested permission to close Main Street from the 3-way stop to Fifth Street and Fourth Street for the WV Bigfoot Festival to be held on June 24, 2023. Third Street would still be open to allow for traffic coming off Town Hill to continue on to Riverview Drive. She also requested a police presence for the event. On a motion by Robyn Dolan, council approved the request for the street closures.

Council briefly discussed the WV Pioneer Community Survey received from Glenville State and will get it completed to be submitted.

In other action, the council approved the minutes of the November 10 meeting and the payment of bills on separate motions.

Council went into executive session at 7:15 pm to discuss personnel matters. They reconvened at 7:35 pm with no decisions made. The meeting was adjourned at 7:36pm.