Last Friday’s Braxton County Commission meeting was one of the shortest on record lasting a mere 12 minutes.
There were no appearances from the floor once President Lisa Godwin called the meeting to order. Commission administrative assistant Heather Hardway reported that the county had received a substantial check from the West Virginia DHHR which brought their account current with the BC Testing Services.
April Lloyd, Administrator of the Braxton County Health Department was present to briefly discuss the outbreak of flu in the county.
Larry Clifton introduced a motion to approve the short form settlements for the following as presented by the Fiduciary Supervisor: Rondle Clyde Bender, Crystal Rose Burns, Artley Boyd Duffield Sandra Mae Duffield, Bobbie Harper, Peggy A. Hartman, Faith Reed Kidd, Gary W. Loyd, Shannon Markle, James Lee Mitchell, Gilbert P. Riffle, Billey K. Riley and Walther Dale Sillman.
Only one purchase order was up for consideration. The Commission questioned why the Sheriff’s new police cruisers were needing tires so soon. Sheriff Lou DellaMea left the room to obtain an answer. Upon his return the Sheriff stated that the tires were winter tires that would be taken off for summer weather and only ran in the winter. Before approving the request on a motion by Larry Clifton, the Commission questioned the high cost of 3,864 to Mid-State Chevrolet for the 3 sets of tires.
In other business, the applications of correction of erroneous assessment for the following were approved: Shirley Salisbury, Ernest Edgell, Nellie Mayse and Judy Norvell.
The Commission reviewed a letter of request from the Burnsville Public Library to release the funds budget for their agency. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Clifton made a motion to release funding budgets for all three libraries in the county.
Karen Brown, who recently retired as Chief Tax Deputy in the Sheriff’s office, was approved for temporary part-time help in continued training of her replacement. She will be paid $19.23 per hour plus mileage.
The Commission authorized $3,000 for the Rosedale Community Center to help pay for replacement of HVAC units at their facility.
Following a review, separate motions approved both the County and EMS Bills for payment and the minutes of the commission’s November 4 meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 9:12 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will convene on December 2 at 9:00 a.m.