The Sutton Town Council conducted their most recent meeting on July 14. Council member Robyn Dolan was absent.
The first to speak to council was Felisha Watson. She spoke to the body about her concerns with speeding on South Franklin. Council member Steve Facemire stated the town had received new 15 mph speed limit signs and he would see to one being placed in her area. Police Chief Shane Boggs asked to speak with Watson to get more details and that he would have a patrol out in that area.
Steve Facemire discussed the estimate for paving on Birch Street. The initial estimate did not include gravel, ditch work and man hours. Mayor JD Hoover discussed possibly having the road repair completed with gravel only to be more “cost effective.” On a motion by Jon Crum with a second by Steve Facemire, council moved to request a second estimate before moving forward.
Chief Boggs gave a brief update to council members. He informed them he has been officially scheduled for the academy. He noted patrols have been active at night and several arrests and citations have been issued. The police are trying to be more proactive and target areas with higher complaints.
Chief Boggs also noted that all county municipalities were down to one officer on staff.
Steve Facemire stated he took part in a work session with the county and he was informed the Braxton County Sheriff’s Department will be more active in the town.
He then submitted a request from Municipal Judge Rodney Jamison for council to approved adding $30 to the court costs for registered mail or the need to have the process server to serve summons. Municipal Judge Jamison also requested the down payment be increased from 20% to 50%. Both requests were approved on a motion by Steve Facemire with a second by Catherine Hoover.
Chief Boggs discussed with council members about having a police parade sometime in 2023. He asked council to decide on what day they think would be best and he would start the planning for the parade. Chief Boggs stated he was looking forward to promoting unity in the town and finding ways to get more community involvement. Steve Facemire made a motion to form a committee to work on finding a date for the parade.
Council members briefly discussed the status of the property used as the trash collection point behind the Courthouse and the old bank building. It was decided to try to meet with the county commission again about the property and to check with the attorney on the deed transfer for the old bank property.
Council member Jon Crum discussed the need to move forward with the electrical outlet for the farmers market without the second estimate. Council discussed purchasing the materials and having an electrician complete the install.
Council member Beth Atkins informed council the Elk River Trail committee meeting will be August 23 at 6:00 pm in the Sutton Volunteer Fire Department Annex (old Fisher Building). This meeting is to discuss the final report from the studies completed by the Elk River Trail committee.
Council will be having a work session to discuss assigning council members to standing committees and to review the ordinances. Jon Crum sent the cleaned up ordinances electronically for council members to review. He also discussed looking into getting the ordinances online once they are complete. The work session will be July 21 at 6:00 pm.
Recorder Laurel Petolicchio addressed the issue of the public town building not being handicap accessible and her concerns. Steve Facemire stated he would look into using the threshold being removed from the house being demoed to use for the entrance of the town building. Council discussed looking into chair lift and elevator options and getting quotes for installation.
Recorder Petolicchio also addressed the distribution of the public utility tax. She had a discussion with the new fire department chief who stated they had received a percentage in the past. Jon Crum stated it is listed in the ordinances for the public utility tax to be used for police and fire protection and should be reviewed.
Catherine Hoover discussed getting brackets for the flags for the poles along Main Street.
Council discussed the parking meter poles. Steve Facemire stated the 2 hour free parking signs have been received and will be strategically placed throughout town. Mayor Hoover received an email from Lisa Conant from City National Bank asking about options to getting the old poles painted and decorated to present a more uniform look in town.
Under regular business, council approved the minutes from the June 23 meeting on a motion by Steve Facemire with a second by Catherine Hoover. Also approved was the payment of bills by a motion by Steve Facemire and a second by Beth Atkins.
On a motion by Steve Facemire with a second by Recorder Petolicchio, council approved the demolition permit for 502 Main Street with the request the equipment is moved in during the evening hours or weekends to keep business traffic unobstructed.
Council approved to advertise the panel truck for sealed bids on a motion by Steve Facemire with a second by Jon Crum.
Council discussed the employee paid holiday schedule, specifically in reference to part-time employees. It was noted the dates were listed as part of the ordinances and should be reviewed.
Council went into executive session at 7:38 pm to discuss personnel issues with employees. They reconvened at 8:20 pm. On a motion by Beth Atkins with Catherine Hoover’s second, the council approved with Jon Crum and Recorder Laurel Petolicchio voting against, to give a pay raise to Brittany Fowler and for it to be retroactive to June 1. Jon Crum noted the pay raise was not mentioned in prior minutes and was not agreed up on by council members. The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 pm.