The Sutton Town Council conducted a brief meeting on Thursday, February 8. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor JD Hoover. Recorder Robyn Dolan and council members Beth Atkins and Catherine Hoover were present. Council member Jon Crum was available by phone to make a quorum as two council seats are still currently vacant.
Mayor Hoover stated he was working in conjunction with the Braxton County Commission on expanding the farmers market located in Sutton. They are working on grants for this project, that will allow for the market to be open year around.
He also reported that he had received a letter from Commission President Lisa Godwin concerning the opioid funds received. A committee is being set up by the state that will consist of a county commissioner and one representative for each of the four county municipalities.
Recorder Robyn Dolan noted the WV DOH said they would start work on filling potholes as soon as the weather breaks and the asphalt plants open. Town employees will also begin work on the list of ditches and drains that need to be cleaned.
Jon Crum asked for an update on the Town Hill water runoff project. Mayor Hoover stated he did not have an update at this time, but it was projected to begin this spring.
Catherine Hoover requested the town attorney be contacted to review the town ordinances.
She also updated that discussions are still ongoing concerning the property next to the farmers market.
Catherine Hoover made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 25 regular meeting. Beth Atkins led action to approve the bills be paid as presented. Jon Crum abstained from voting as he had not received a copy of the bills to review.
Council approved the building permit for a generator at the Sutton Baptist Church on a motion by Catherine Hoover.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:12 pm. The next regular meeting is set for February 22 at 6:00 pm. Community members are encouraged to attend.