Opinion, The Braxton Democrat

Let’s not panic…

As has been the case in recent years, the threat of a snowstorm stopped the world last Friday, or so you would have thought. Not uncommon in this day and time, the Governor declared a disaster threat and shut down State offices. The county, which is their standard procedure, followed his lead.

Now folks, this is all based on the weatherman’s predictions. I don’t mean to throw rocks in his garden, but to the best of my recollection, they are only accurate 20% of the time. I can’t remember when the last time was that the weather conditions got anywhere near as bad as predicted.

I don’t think we should ignore this type of warning. I just don’t think we should overreact. Being prepared and overreacting are two entirely different things.

Let’s go back to the way it used to be… When I grew up it snowed a lot, compared to what we have today. School was rarely closed. Those who lived in the rural areas often couldn’t make it. That decision was left to the parents and the bus drivers. The remainder of us went to school, in my case, growing up in Gassaway, the way we always got there… we walked.

My parents didn’t miss work. And… also in that day, there were literally no 4-wheel drive vehicles. The only ones I recall were driven by the local Dr’s. Holyman, Fisher and Huffman.

We enjoyed going to school when it snowed. We got to do different things since a good portion of the student body was often absent. I will say I don’t recall teachers not being there. But then I think everyone had a different attitude back then.

I agree we should be cautious but the world shouldn’t stop just because Mother Nature has a bad day. State and county facilities should be open, even if on a limited basis. We should strive to maintain as normal of an existence as possible regardless of the weather. Yes, we will have to adapt, but to me, that’s the American way. Two hundred years of our history will prove that we meet these types of challenges. Why shouldn’t we continue on that path?