It’s time to apply for the WVU Extension Master Gardener training program that will begin in January 2024. This program consists of a volunteer training course designed to provide gardeners with the information and skills necessary to share their experience and knowledge with others. The classes will be held from January 11 through May 2 from 6-9:00 p.m. The majority of the classes will be virtual with at least one required class on January 11 at Sutton Public Library. The deadline for applications is December 15, 2023.
In exchange for 40 hours of instruction, participants must agree to donate 40 hours of their time sharing this knowledge with others. WVU Extension Master Gardeners that were certified in previous years have given workshops for the general public on gardening, trees, shrubs, lawns, plants, insects, and related topics. WVU Extension Master Gardeners work with youth, schools or in demonstration gardens. Still others provide help to their communities through beautification projects at schools, churches, community buildings and other sites.
Volunteers attend 40 hours of in depth training and receive a complete gardening workbook and reference materials. The cost is $100.00 for the printed manual or $50 for the manual on cd. The requirements to participate in this program include:
- Available to participate in intensive training program in plant science.
- Available to devote a minimum of 40 hours of WVU Extension Master Gardener volunteer service to achieve certification. Each subsequent year, a WVU Extension Master Gardener must complete 20 volunteer hours and 10 additional hours of horticulture training.
- Must have knowledge and skills in basic ornamental horticulture, gardening and general related areas.
The Extension Master Gardener program has been very successful all over the United States. Please contact the WVU-Braxton County Extension Office at 304-765-2809 or [email protected] for applications or more information.
Programs and activities offered by the West Virginia University Extension Service are available to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, handicap, religion, age or national origin. Individuals requesting accommodations because of a disability should contact Debbie Friend (304-765-2809) at the time of registration.