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Coffman publishes 3rd book

Carla Coffman a retired real estate insurance agent from Birch River has published her third novel. “Who’s Waldo” is a riveting mystery of a 1930’s unsolved murder. The cold case captured the imagination of a precocious grandchild named Cleo. As she and her brothers learned of their grandmother’s experience with death, they also learned about their own mortality.

Their mother, Mariah, was the lone survivor, left in their cabin eating blackberries while her mother is vanquished from her existence. Mariah communicates with the spirit world, holding seances and midnight suppers for friends and family.

The new book is a revealing slice of history that engages the reader through a maze of life and death, suspects and outlaws, in an amazing journey through time.

The book has been receiving great reviews since its release. One reader told Amazon, “This is the third book by Ms. Coffman and my favorite thus far! From the very beginning you can feel yourself being drawn into the story until you can literally see the characters, the moving pieces falling into place and the mysteries unraveling around you. Filled with unexpected twists, historical nuances, and simply great writing. Who’s Waldo will leave you, as it did me, pleasantly enthralled and eagerly anticipating her next great book. Well worth your time and money!”

The new book is available through Amazon for $14.99 hardcover and $10.99 softcover. It is also available for Kindle.