The Braxton County Board of Education conducted their final meeting before the start of the new school year on August 15.
Superintendent Dr. Donna Burge-Tetrick and Director Linda Sears discussed the test data from the General Summative Assessments. Director Sears has been going over the data with the different schools and will providing supports to schools based on the test scores. Dr. Burge-Tetrick noted the scores were improving, but more improvement is needed and will be coming. Six out of the eight schools showed overall improvement. The board discussed the urgent need at Flatwoods, the lowest performing school in the county. Kevin Gregory asked for a work session to set goals and discuss where we are as a school system and where we need to be.
In regular action, the board approved the following consent agenda items on a motion by Larry Hardway: minutes of the July 25 meeting with typo corrections and August 1 meeting; treasurer’s report; budget transfers and supplements; and payment of bills.
The following personnel recommendations were approved on a motion by Dr. Kenna Seal: resignations of Miranda Wotring, special education, Flatwoods, Lisa Legg, custodian, BCHS, and George Dennison, bus operator, bus 34; and employment of substitute teachers-Taylor Spencer, Madison Herron, Rebecca Oates, Ethan Gibson, Pam Shuman, Julia Dean, Sienna Deal, Hunter Drake, and Andrew Wood (substitute administrator), Danielle Berry, art instructor/world language facilitator, BCMS, Mary Shamburg, special education, BCMS, Tracy Carr, third grade, Little Birch, Tashauna Chapman from special education, Frametown to Career Exploration, BCMS, Patricia Gillespie, from itinerant ESL instructor to third grade, Frametown, Chloe Walker, preschool, Burnsville, teacher in residency, Abigail Lane, first grade, Burnsville, teacher in residency, Sherry Moats, special educational/supervisory/instructional/transportation aide, Sutton, Nicole Brooks, special educational/supervisory/instructional/transportation aide, Flatwoods, Zendria Butcher, preschool/supervisory/instructional/transportation aide/ECCAT, Flatwoods, Leigh Copen, $1 volleyball coach, BCHS, and Haley Drake, $1 assistant golf coach, BCHS.
The request to pay bills prior to the September 5 meeting so late fees are not charged was approved on a motion by Lisa Ratliff.
Dr. Burge-Tetrick requested the half-time physical education position at Little Birch be changed to a full-time position. Funding is available for the change in position and essential for the school to move forward. The request was approved on a motion by Larry Hardway.
She also requested to post for a temporary support staff county assistant athletic director to be paid $1.00. The previous assistant ADs are now the ADs for the BCHS and BCMS during the recent restructuring. The countywide assistant AD will provide support to the current ADs. Lisa Ratliff led the action to approve the request.
The asphalt bid in the amount of $22,000 for patching holes in the parking lots of the high school and middle school was approved. Larry Hardway made the motion for the approval.
The board approved the LEXIS subscription. This is necessary for the legal services for the county. Dr. Seal made the motion.
Melissa Adkins, Director of Legal Services, provided board members with a draft of the Title IX Emergency Rule. The county did not have a policy as required. It was to be in place in August 2020 and the county is now three years out of compliance. This will only be a temporary policy as new guidelines will be coming out in October/November and a new policy can be drafted at that time for regular approval. The emergency rule was approved on a motion by Lisa Ratliff.
Dr. Burge-Tetrick asked the board to approve a MOU with SESC for up to four people for maintenance support services. The county does not have enough employees to complete all maintenance in the county’s schools. Grass cutting, painting, tile replacements, deep cleaning, etc. needs to be completed and these positions are on an as needed basis to help complete the work. She noted it was cheaper to use our own people than to contract those jobs out. The request was approved on a motion by Dr. Seal.
Also approved was the request to continue the MOU with Community Care of West Virginia, Inc, and Braxton County Schools for services in the schools on a motion by Lisa Ratliff.
The board had the first reading of Braxton County Board of Education Professional Substitutes-Policy 3701. This policy was to address concerns voices by board members on sick days for substitutes. Larry Hardway requested a policy be drafted to also address the pay reset after missing days of work.
Kevin Gregory asked for an update on the security officer and the committee meetings. Dr. Burge-Tetrick will be having an initial meeting with the officer on Thursday and the committee meeting will be scheduled soon.
Dr. Seal briefly discussed reviewing the policy on coaches’ pay.
Board President Evelyn Post requested board members review their schedules to find a good time to have a work session on goals for the upcoming school year.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 pm. The next regular meeting is set for September 5 at 6:00 pm.