The Braxton County Board of Education welcomed new Superintendent Dr. Donna Burge-Tetrick during the special meeting held on June 28. The Honorable Judge Richard A. Facemire administered the oath of office with Dr. Burge-Tetrick’s father, Dan Burge, holding the bible.
Judge Facemire presented the new superintendent with a constitution that he had received from Senator Robert Byrd before he had passed away. He welcomed her home and wished her good luck for her future at Braxton County Schools.
Superintendent Dr. Burge-Tetrick thanked the board for the opportunity to serve the students and staff of Braxton County. She promised to “give 110%” to the school system and stated she was honored and grateful to be able to serve in her home county.
Board President Evelyn Post and other board members thanked outgoing Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Combs for her service to the school system this past year. They also welcomed Dr. Burge-Tetrick and expressed their excitement and hopes for her tenure at Braxton County Schools.
After the swearing in ceremony, those in attendance were invited to enjoy cake and snacks provided by the Braxton County Association of Retired Employees.
Upon returning from the brief celebratory recess, the board moved on with regular business.
On a motion by Larry Hardway, the following consent agenda items were approved by the board: June 21 meeting minutes; transportation requests; payment of bills; budget transfers and supplements.
The following personnel recommendations were approved on a motion by Lisa Ratliff: resignation of Andrea Russell, first grade teacher, Burnsville; and employment of Wesley Spencer, physical education/health/wellness teacher, BCMS, Rebecca Wright, substitute bus operator, Sherri Williams, from RIF to ECCAT/aide/paraprofessional grade 1, Burnsville, Brenda Raynor, from RIF to ECCAT/aide/paraprofessional grade 1, Davis, Robin James, from special education aide/autism mentor to ECCAT/aide/paraprofessional grade 1, Flatwoods, Victoria Allen, from preschool supervisory/instructional/transportation aide/ECCAT, to ECCAT/aide/paraprofessional grade 1, Frametown, Jaclyn Whitney, from special education instructional/transportation aide, Flatwoods, to ECCAT/aide/paraprofessional grade 1, Sutton, Emily Oates, from from RIF to ECCAT/Aide/Paraprofessional grade 1, Burnsville, and Adam Smith and Billy Payne, assistant football coaches, BCMS.
After a brief discussion, the board approved ENCOVA as the worker’s compensation provider on the recommendation of Assured Partners, the school systems brokerage agency for insurance bids. Four bids had been received, two of which were lower than ENCOVA’s. Based on the recommendation of Assured Partners, the board went with ENCOVA due to their past performance and the lack of track record of the other two companies.
The board moved forward with the third readings of Medication Administration Policy 4310 and Local Wellness Policy 1006. Neither policy received comments during the public comment period. Both policies will be placed on the July 5 agenda for final approval.
Presented to the board was an equipment service contract for Appalachian Office products. This has been an ongoing contract with the company. Larry Hardway questioned the timing of the request being placed on the agenda and the fact it had not been bid out. The board suggested that the equipment services be placed out on bid for next year. Dr. Kenna Seal made a motion to allow the superintendent to negotiate the renewal contract on behalf of the board to allow for service for the 2023-24 school year. The motion was approved.
Approved on a motion by Kevin Gregory, was the request to rescind prior action on the June 6, 2023, agenda to recommend for hire Garalea Fulks as cafeteria manager/full-time cook at Burnsville and Lisa Allen as full-time cook at BCHS for the 2023-2024 school year, and appoint the corrected assignments of Garalea Fulks to the position of full-time cook at BCHS and Lisa Allen to the position of cafeteria manager/cook at Burnsville Elementary for the 2023-2024 school year.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:59 pm. The next regular meeting will be today, July 5 at 6:00 pm. As always, members of the Braxton County community are encouraged to attend regular board meetings. Any parent or concerned community member wishing to speak as a delegate or with public concerns may do so by signing in up to 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.