On Thursday, March 2, Senior Trooper C.D. Harper of the Sutton Detachment of the West Virginia State Police received a complaint that a female juvenile student at Braxton County High School had disclosed a sexual relationship with a male teacher at the facility. The incident was reported by BCHS Principal Lori Stover.
Trooper Harper interviewed the victim, witnesses, reviewed social media messages and obtaining a confession from the accused. In the recorded statement the accused stated that the sexual contact between him and the student occurred in his high school classroom on or about the first of February this year.
On Friday, March 10, at approximately 1230 hours, S/TPR Harper arrested Lee Edgar Given, 42, of Flatwoods. The educator turned himself into authorities. He is charged with felony offenses of “Sexual abuse by Person in Position of Trust” and “Soliciting a Minor via Computer.”
Given was arraigned before Braxton County Magistrate Beth Smith where his bond was set at $50,000 cash. At press-time Given was still lodged in the Central Regional Jail awaiting future court appearances.
S/TPR Harper was assisted in his investigation by Sgt. D. L. Gordon of the Sutton Detachment and Sgt. A. J. Shingler of the Bureau of Criminal Investigations. Additional charges are forthcoming.