Magistrate Beth Smith
October 25: Harry Bosley, II of Copen, possession of controlled substance, guilty plea, domestic battery, guilty plea, domestic assault, dismissed per plea, eight months of jail with credit for time served of four days, to serve remainder, fine/court costs assessed.
October 30: David L. Dawkins of Webster Springs, burglary, warrantless arrest, bond set at $10,000 cash only; Carey A. Coffman of Sutton, possession of marijuana, no contest plea, fine/court costs assessed and paid; Sabrina E. Bookheimer of Strange Creek, destruction of property, guilty plea, arson, dismissed per plea, 69 days of jail with credit for time served of 69 days, fine/court costs assessed; Joseph Lewis Mollohan of Duck, petit larceny, guilty plea, prohibited person in possession of firearm, dismissed, per plea, possession of controlled substance, dismissed-deferred sentence, 120 days of jail with credit for time served of 12 days, to serve 40 days, 68 days suspended, fine/court costs assessed.
October 31: Alexis Armstrong of Little Hocking, OH, speeding, no contest plea, fine/court costs assessed and paid; Judith L. Sharkey of Belton, SC, driving suspended, dismissed proof provided; Theresa Nichols of Heaters, possession of meth, warrantless arrest, bond set at $3000 cash or surety; Paul A. Sears of Frametown, impersonating law enforcement, warrantless arrest, bond set at $3000 cash or surety; Robert A. Stewart of Frametown, possession of controlled substance, dismissed, prosecution does not wish to present evidence; Michelle D. Ayers of Sutton, gross child neglect creating substantial risk of injury x4, dismissed, prosecution does not wish to present evidence.
Magistrate David Singleton
October 25: Theresa M. Hale of Summersville, contraband into jail, warrantless arrest, bond set at $10,000 cash or surety; Brian Scott Stewart of Gassaway, possession of meth, warrantless arrest, bond set at $3000 cash, surety, or 10% to the court; Craig Allen Scott of St. Albans, domestic battery, domestic assault, warrantless arrest, bond set at $2500 cash or surety; Lilly Richardson of Sutton, forging and uttering x2, conspiracy, warrant issued, bond set at $10,000 personal recognizance; Justin Edward Hill of Sutton, forging and uttering x2, conspiracy, warrant issued, bond set at $10,000 personal recognizance.
October 26: Jason Fox of Sutton, domestic assault, guilty plea, interference with emergency communications, guilty plea, destruction of property, dismissed per plea, brandishing a deadly weapon, dismissed per plea, shooting within 500 feet of dwelling, dismissed per plea, 180 days of jail with credit for time served of 36 days, remainder suspended and placed on two years unsupervised probation, fines/court costs assessed; Amber Rae Kuhn of Rosedale, possession of controlled substance, guilty plea, 90 days of jail with credit for time served of two days, remainder suspended and placed on eight months unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed; Robert Alexander Hull of Chelyan, destruction of property, guilty plea, obstructing an officer, dismissed per plea, tampering with vehicle, dismissed per plea, 365 days of jail with credit for time served of eight days, remainder suspended and placed on two years of unsupervised probation, fine/court costs/restitution assessed; Lindsay Sartin of Heaters, possession of controlled substance, guilty plea, possession of controlled substance, dismissed per plea, conspiracy, dismissed per plea, 90 days of jail with credit for time served of two days, remainder suspended and placed on eight months unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed; William Coffman of Sutton, destruction of property, warrant issued, bond set at $1500 personal recognizance; Julie Kay Dennison of Gassaway, expired MVI, dismissed proof provided, no proof of insurance, dismissed proof provided.
October 27: Gregory Don Metheney of Chloe, possession of controlled substance, guilty plea, 90 days of jail with credit for time served of two days, remainder suspended and placed on one year probation, fine/court costs assessed; Jennifer E. Kemp of Sutton, littering, dismissed wrong code cited; Michael Gene Baker of Sutton, prohibited person in possession of firearm, guilty plea, 90 days of jail, suspended and placed on one year of unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed; Harry Charles Brady of Sutton, driving revoked for DUI, warrantless arrest, bond set at $1500 personal recognizance; Joshua M. Edwards of Copen, possession of controlled substance x2, warrantless arrest, bond set at $3000 cash, surety, or 10% to the court.
October 28: Parris Diall King, Jr. of Flora, MS, malicious assault, warrantless arrest, bond set at $25,000 cash only.
October 29: Colton L. Chipps of Crawford, driving revoked for DUI-3rd offense, warrantless arrest, bond set at $5000 cash or surety.
October 30: Jennifer E. Kemp of Sutton, petit larceny, no contest plea, destruction of property, dismissed per plea, 120 days of jail, to serve 30 days, 90 days suspended and placed on 12 months unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed.
October 31: John Wesley Jordan of Rosedale, falsely reporting an emergency incident, dismissed.