The most recent regular meeting of the Sutton Town Council was held on Tuesday, October 10 at 1:00 pm instead of their normal second or fourth Thursday at 6:00 pm meeting.
Council members Beth Atkins and Steve Facemire were absent. Present were Mayor JD Hoover, Recorder Robyn Dolan, and council members Catherine Hoover and Jon Crum.
Mayor Hoover opened the meeting thanking those individuals involved with the fall decorating throughout the town.
Recorder Dolan noted the work on Curtin Avenue and Curtin Town Road was to begin next Tuesday. Once that project is completed, the council will evaluate the project and move on to other streets.
Jon Crum stated he had spoken with the project manager of the drain project coming off Town Hill. They have changed the drain line size recommendation from 24” to 30” and the project is still on track. They will be working with the WV Department of Highways this week to review road work that will need to be done in conjunction with the project.
Kevin Carpenter had talked with Jon Crum about his concern of water runoff with the landscaping project on Main Street. Crum stated he told him he didn’t think it would be an issue as it is now better graded and the slope goes to the middle of the lot away from the buildings.
The fire department has requested the access drive to the river next to the farmers market be repaired and gravel added. Town workers are to be completing that project soon. Recorder Dolan asked about paying for the gravel. Jon Crum stated he believed the town worker was requesting a reduce rate on the gravel as it was for the fire department.
Crum also questioned why the police chief was not present for the Fall Festival. Mayor Hoover stated he had a prior commitment for the weekend and was unable to attend.
Catherine Hoover voiced her concern again over issues with dog waste not being properly removed by residents, this time specifically on Town Hill near the Sutton High School Apartments. She requested a letter be sent to all of the residents reminding them of the ordinances.
The council discussed the release of the budgeted funds for the fire department and the library. Recorder Dolan and Municipal Clerk Robin Smith stated they believed both organizations would have to provide proof of what the money was being used for in order to release the funds. Jon Crum made a motion to table action until verification could be received from the state auditor office.
In regular action, the meetings of the September 14 meeting and the payment of bills were approved on separate motions.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:21pm.