The Sutton Town Council held their most recent meeting on April 13.
Mayor JD Hoover opened the meeting with reading the Fair Housing proclamation from Governor Jim Justice recognizing April as Fair Housing month.
Catherine Hoover noted that Beth Atkins, who was absent from the meeting, would be meeting with the students at the high school that designed the town seal.
Hannah Shingler spoke to council with maintenance that needed to be completed on Curtin Avenue. Steve Facemire stated they would make an effort to get work done on it as soon as possible.
Laurel Petolicchio came before council with concerns she had received from Town Hill residents about the festival and road closures. She had two individuals approach her about possibly closing the road coming off of Town Hill and using North Haymond as a two way the day of the event to make it easier for residents to get on and off of the hill. Council stated they would look into the possibility and have a decision for the next meeting.
Steve Facemire asked Municipal Clerk Robin Smith if the previous bids for paving had been updated. She informed him one the companies had submitted new bids but she was still waiting for the second one.
Recorder Robyn Dolan met with DOH and several of the streets that are their responsibility on the list for ditching and maintenance. The DOH, however, are waiting on budget information before committing to paving of those streets.
Jon Crum asked about the drain coming off of the hill at 5th Street. There will still need to be more work done before it is completely cleaned up. He also discussed the issue with spring water on South Franklin.
Municipal Clerk Robin Smith updated the council on the work being complete with the new HVAC system. Both heating systems are in place and functioning. The installers will need to get a crane or some type of boom lift in order to get the AC units on the roof. Once that is complete they will get them tied into the system.
In regular action, the council approved the payment of bills and the meeting minutes from the March 23 regular meeting and the March 28 special meeting on separate motions.
Steve Facemire made a motion to post for two weeks the notice of the closure of the alley on the south side of town as requested by WV American Water. The motion was approved by the council.
Council approved May 15 as Sutton Spay Day for cats on a motion by Steve Facemire. The program is being organized by Sally Stewart and Just One Generation.
Facemire also entered the motion that approved Vicki Facemire, Jeffrey Sutton, Melinda Dinsmore, and Debbie Westfall as poll workers for the upcoming municipal election and Bobbie Barker and Cora Schisler as alternates. After a discussion on the pay for the poll workers, the council approved $9 per hour for early voting and $130 for Election Day on a motion by Jon Crum. The motion also included to amend the ordinance to reflect pay of up to $150 per day instead of the current $100.
The council approved the request for $200 for flowers to be purchased by Judy’s Garden Club for the flower pots in town on a motion by Steve Facemire.
The council went into executive session at 7:10 pm in order to meet with their attorney Sam Harold, Mountain State Law Office, over a legal matter. The reconvened at 8:00 pm and then adjourned the meeting with no further action.