The Sutton Town Council conducted their most recent regular meeting on March 23.
Mayor JD Hoover opened the session by reading the resolution received from Region VII concerning the storm water project coming off Town Hill. The grant is for approximately $600,000 and will be used to complete the drainage system for water coming down next North Hill Road to Main Street. The council approved to accept the resolution on a motion by Jon Crum. On April 4 at 11:00 am, Region VII will be conducting a project kickoff at the Sutton Community Building. The public is encouraged to attend.
Mayor Hoover discussed the council doing a community cleanup, possibly sometime in May.
Jon Crum asked about the change out of the winter banners currently up. Catherine Hoover stated she had been in contact with the individuals that helped put them up. As soon as they could, they would be replacing them with new ones. Acting Recorder Robyn Dolan also updated the town has 20 American flags and five WV flags that will be going up on the poles as well.
Paul Koontz, representative of Colonial Life Insurance, spoke to the council with insurance options for employees and discussed meeting with current employees to give them direct quotes.
Jon Crum and Steve Facemire discussed the cleaning of drains throughout town and the patching of several streets with the weather being warmer now. Jon Crum would like to have a complete list of those streets being affected for the next meeting to release to the public. Robyn Dolan stated she was still working with the DOH for county owned roads. Jon Crum also stated the council needs to move forward with getting updated quotes for the paving projects that were put on hold during the colder months.
Catherine Hoover asked for an update on the garbage issue on South Chestnut Street. The resident is working on cleaning it up and has gotten an account with Waste Management. The council discussed the ordinance stating that all garbage is to be placed in a container with a lid when set out for garbage collection.
Jon Crum asked if the ad for police officers had been placed. Municipal Clerk Robin Smith stated it was currently running in several papers.
Mayor Hoover addressed the issue of the loose chickens on Town Hill. Officer Luke Johnson was contacted, and he went to the residence to speak to the property owner. He gave them ten days to correct the issue.
The council discussed Third Street going to the river. Jon Crum stated he would work on a proposal to have the road turned back into a usable street. He will have it completed by mid-June to present to the council.
Municipal Clerk Robin Smith updated the work on the new HVAC system, and it is nearing completion.
The council discussed the lack of response for a bid on the stage repair. Jon Crum will investigate possible contractors that may be able to complete the work. He also did a count of cones needed for the farmers market for this summer to mark parking places.
The council discussed the bids they received for the tractor purchase. They received two quotes from Lockard’s in Flatwoods and three from Parc’s in Salem. Council postponed deciding until they could review all the specifications for the different tractors and will have a special meeting for the final decision.
After a brief discussion on the poll workers salary, the council decided to postpone the salary until more information could be gathered.
Catherine Hoover discussed the pool. The pool is not the responsibility of the town but of the Braxton Recreation Association. She gathered the deeds for the property and the main pool and pump house property is to go back to the original owners if the pool ceases to exist after one year. The property containing the bath house area does not have a clause in the deed to revert back to original owners. The council approved to attempt to send letters to the property owners informing them of the status of the pool on a motion by Catherine Hoover.
Under regular business, the council approved the minutes of the March 7 special meeting and the March 9 regular meeting on a motion by Catherine Hoover.
On a motion by Robyn Dolan, the payment of bills was approved.
The council approved the 2023 budget revision for the transfer of the CD to the general fund on a motion by Steve Facemire. He also presented the motion to approve the 2024 budget.
Council approved to allow City National Bank to have a food truck for their Mortgage Days, April 20 and 21 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm in action introduced by Catherine Hoover.
The council went into executive session at 7:29 pm to discuss an application for employment. The reconvened at 8:00 pm with no decisions made. The meeting stood in recess at 8:01 until the April 18 meeting to complete the budget process. The next regular meeting is set for April 13 at 6:00 pm.