The Braxton County Commission took a major step toward filling the need for employees to man the county run ambulance service last Friday by approving a substantial wage increase in pay for employees. EMS Director John Hoffman, Chairman of the EMS Authority Board Barbara Adams and others representing Braxton Emergency Services began by explaining to the Commission that Braxton County was not exempt for the nationwide shortage of employees in the ambulance field.
Adams explained that the Board had come up with a new pay scale they thought would attract and retain employees. The president added that the measure was unanimously approved by the body.
The new rates recognized experience and pays those with over 3 years and over 10 years’ experience a higher wage. The increases range from $2 per hour for a basic driver to $4 for an experienced paramedic.
Following the lengthy discussion, Larry Clifton made a motion to implement the new pay scale effective April 1 as requested.
Following the approval of the new pay scale, Hoffman requested permission to move two part-time employees on a full-time basis. Separate motion approved Tiffany Prior an EMT be moved to full-time at a pay rate of $16.50 per hour and Brandon Carpenter, also an EMT be employed full-time at $15.50 per hour. Both will receive full county benefits.
Hoffman also reviewed the activity report for the Braxton 9-1-1 Center for the month of February.
Marie Lockard, Director of Braxton County Testing Services presented the Commission with her agency’s activity report for the month of February. She stated that BCTSC had conducted a total of 172 drug screenings during the period and that the DHHR had been billed $6,536 for the services.
Gary Beamer requested permission on behalf of the Town of Sutton to utilize the Courthouse lawn for an Easter Egg Hunt. The request was granted on a motion by Melvin Gum.
Sheriff Lou DellaMea made a request to hire Jim Ball to work part-time on Dam Patrol. Following a brief discussion, a motion by Larry Clifton tabled action on the request since the contract with the Corps of Engineers would not begin until May.
Later in the meeting, Sheriff DellaMea reviewed his requests to advertise for 3 new cruisers which was approved. He also went over the purchase of seven laptop computers for the Deputies’ cruisers as well as a machine for the Law Enforcement Secretary and the Process Server totaling $15,078.22. The Commission tabled action on the request pending additional quotes on the new equipment.
In other action, the Commission approved the short form settlements as submitted by the Fiduciary Supervisor for the following: Kenneth E. Betts, Marmel Janette Brown, Alice Marie Borroughs-Roche, Erless M. Conley, Gloria Conrad, Lanty Junior Gibson, Patricia Jean Kuhl, Violet Marie Miller, Robert Lee Paintiff, Phyllis Ann Propst, Carolyn L. Riffle, Lucinda Belle Rollyson, Craig Allen Smith and Robert Wiant.
John Hoffman requested permission to utilize the county credit card to reserve rooms for himself and Cherry Jenkins for the SERC meeting at Canaan Valley Resort which was granted on a motion by Larry Clifton.
It was also Clifton who introduced action to approve advertising for HVAC & AC units for the Courthouse Annex building.
Following a review, separate motions approved the county and EMS bills as submitted for payment and the minutes of the Com-mission’s March 3 regular meeting and March 10 Special Meeting.
Being no further business to consider the meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will convene on April 7 at 9:00 a.m.