Megan Stout of the Braxton County Animal Shelter was one of the first to address the County Commission at their regular meeting last Friday, February 3. Her purpose was to present a report of the Shelters’ dog intake for 2022. That report revealed that the Shelter processed 287 dogs. The busiest month was May when 36 dogs came into the shelter. Of the 287, 23 were reclaimed by the owners, 102 were adopted locally, 134 were shipped to rescue groups and 19 died or were euthanized. Stout emphasized that the shelter seldom euthanizes an animal, but some arrive at the shelter with illnesses or injuries that they can not overcome. Larry Clifton made a motion to approve the report as presented.
John Hoffman, County OES/9-1-1 Director brought two items before the Commission. He requested permission to hire Brandon Carpenter as a part-time EMT/Driver for the Ambulance Service beginning February 3. That request was granted on a motion by Melvin Gum. Carpenter will be paid $13.50 per hour with no county benefits and will serve a 90 probationary period.
Hoffman also reviewed the activity reports for the 9-1-1 Center and ambulance service for the month of January.
Maria Lockard, Director for Braxton Testing Center submitted her monthly report to the Commission. It showed that her agency had conducted 183 drug screenings during January. Two individuals have met the terms and conditions of their home confinement and were released.
Sheriff Lou DellaMae requested permission to sell a 2009 police cruiser that was involved in a collision with a deer. Commission President Lisa Godwin told the Sheriff that he needed to be sure that all insurance claims pertaining to that incident were satisfied before the vehicle could be declared surplus and disposed of. The Sheriff also requested permission to begin the process of replacing Deputy Bradley Pickens who was no longer with the Sheriff’s Department. President Godwin told the Sheriff he needed to be placed on the agenda of the next meeting to request permission to advertise the vacancy.
In other business, the Probate Appointments for the month of January were approved as presented.
A motion by Larry Clifton approved an application for correction of erroneous assessment for Cheryl Currence.
Melvin Gum introduced action to approve a single purchase order to replace blinds in the Courthouse. The PO was for 72 cordless blinds at $11.97 each for a total cost of $861.84 from WalMart.
The Commission accepted the resignation of Pat Bragg as a part-time Deputy County Clerk effective February 10. A separate motion gave the County Clerk permission to advertise for interested persons to fill the vacancy.
The surety bond certificate for Peoples Bank was approved.
Following a brief discussion, the Commission set March 3 as the date of a hearing to hear the objection to the fiduciary Supervisor’s Finding of Fact made by Timothy Jackson in the estate of Cheryl Lee Jackson.
A motion by Larry Clifton approved the insurance renewal checklist for WVCoRP.
Following reviews, separate motions approved the County and EMS bills for payment and the minutes of the January 20 meeting as presented by the County Clerk.
Being no additional business to consider, the meeting adjourned at 9:19 a.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Braxton County Commission will convene on February 17 beginning at 9:00 a.m.