Town Meeting

Sutton Council conducts lengthy regular meeting

The most recent Sutton Town Council meeting was held December 9. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor JD Hoover.
Present in addition to the Mayor were Recorder Laurel Petolicchio, and Councilmembers Robyn Dolan, Steve Facemire, Marsha Lloyd, Beth Atkins, and Catherine Hoover. Also present was Municipal Magistrate Clerk, Robin Smith.
Public citizens attending in person were Chris Kniceley, Jon Crum, Geary White, Louis Petolicchio, Carolyn Hoover and Fernando Rodriguez.
Mayor Hoover publicly thanked Gary Beamer for organizing the Christmas Parade. He also thanked the town employees and volunteers that have been working to fix up the town building and the councilmembers and CDC members who worked to decorate the town for Christmas.
The Mayor brought up the WV Surplus Auction and asked if anyone would be interested in attending. Council-member Steve said he would attend if he was able. Municipal Magistrate Clerk Robin Smith will get more details.
Councilmember Beth Atkins brought up the rental fee schedule for the Town Hall and suggested that council revisit that subject at the next meeting.
Councilmember Steve Facemire made a motion that the minutes of the November 11 meeting be approved.
Facemire made a motion that due to the fact that Chris Kniceley had a death in the family that council move his presentation to next on the agenda. Kniceley spoke to the council on their current insurance program. No action was taken.
Mayor Hoover presented the financial statements and the bills to be paid. Councilmember Beth Atkins made a motion to approve the bills as presented.
Recorder Laurel Petolicchio presented a financial snapshot of the Town’s current financial state and what was coming up for the rest of the fiscal year.
Municipal Clerk Robin Smith informed the council that the State Auditor’s office was coming in for a full review of this year’s finances beginning Friday, December 10.
Councilmember Steve Facemire said the North 5th Street issue is still ongoing.
Discussion was had regarding the complaints that came in due to the latest burning at the burn pile. Councilmember Steve Facemire said he had discussed the issue with the town workers.
Mayor Hoover gave council an update on the candidacy for the position of police officer.
The quote from Waste Management to transfer the garbage from the old truck and tire removal was discussed. Councilmember Steve Facemire made a motion that council table this discussion until the next meeting and ask Kim Cummings from Waste Management to come and discuss this with the council.
Municipal Clerk Smith presented the Netranom phone system to the council which includes wiring, computer set up, phones, firewalls, and service. Councilmember Robyn Dolan made a motion that the town go ahead and complete the upgrade.
Smith presented the quote from C&M Plumbing to repair the leaking lines in the Town Hall. Recorder Laurel Petolicchio made a motion to get the repair scheduled.
A brief discussion took place regarding town fees. Councilmember Steve Facemire made a motion that the council table further discussion until the municipal ordinance book is reviewed and a better list is presented at the next meeting.
Fernando Rodriguez spoke briefly to the council concerning the Sutton Community Development Corporation. Councilmember Steve Facemire made a motion that we set up a work session for January 6 at 6:00 pm to meet with the SCDC and to cover other business.
Council member Marsha Lloyd discussed the need for an office notary. Councilmember Steve Facemire made a motion that Municipal Clerk takes the required steps to become a notary and the town would cover the expenses.
Councilmember Beth Atkins discussed the Civil War Trails Markers. They are $200 per site annually. The Town is responsible for the Marker by the Courthouse. The bill hasn’t been paid for several years. Councilmember Steve Facemire made a motion that the Town pay that bill this year.
Municipal Clerk Smith informed council that the West Virginia Archives called and said they would be picking up the broken sign that is currently located in the back of the council chambers.
Councilmember Steve Facemire updated the council on the Rail-Trail lawsuit.
The council discussed the construction permit for 341 West Main Street to set a 3 bedroom trailer. Some councilmembers were concerned about the state right of way. Councilmember Steve Facemire made a motion to table the Construction Permit until the owner of the property could provide a letter from the Department of Transportation that the Department would approve the placement of the mobile home.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.