The Town of Flatwoods’ first council meeting of the new year was a brief one. The governing body met at the Municipal Building on January 16. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the opening prayer was led by Councilman, Dennis Miller.
Mayor Dale Ball called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. In addition to the mayor, those present included: Treasurer/Recorder Lisa Hamrick; Council Members: Jake Hamrick, Dennis Miller, Brenda Ball, and Keith Long. Citizens Linda James and Lorie Brown were also in attendance.
Lisa Hamrick read the minutes from December 19, 2023, meeting. Dennis Miller made the motion to approve the minutes as read.
Hamrick presented the Treasurer’s Report. Jake Hamrick made the motion to approve the report as read.
Town discussed replacement of overhead lights in the Council Meeting Room.
Lorie Brown recognized Mayor Dale Ball for being named Firefighter of the Year for Flatwoods Community Volunteer Fire Department.
Recorder Hamrick read the list of bills that need to be paid. Brenda Ball made a motion to approve the bill list as presented.
Dennis Miller made a motion that the quarterly donation of $1250 for the Flatwoods Community Volunteer Fire Department be made. Brenda Ball seconded the action which passed unanimously.
No action was taken following a discussion regarding the furnace in the community building.
Jake Hamrick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:47 p.m. Dennis Miller seconded the motion. All were in favor, the motion carried.