Magistrate Beth Smith
October 18: Joshua Allen Tallarito of Camden on Gauley, possession of heroin, no contest plea, fine/court costs assessed; Heather D. Sneberger of Beverly, speeding, not guilty plea; Larry Michael Neff of Sutton, no proof of insurance, dismissed proof provided; driving suspended-general, dismissed, case over ten years old; Gregg J. Maurer of Burgettstown, PA, improper lane change, no contest plea, fine/court costs assessed; Robert Alexander Hall of Chelyan, obstructing an officer, destruction of property, tampering with auto, warrantless arrest, bond set at $7500 cash or surety; Austin Michael Staley of Sutton, improper registration, dismissed proof provided, no proof of insurance, dismissed proof provided; Matthew James King of Summersville, computer invasion of privacy, no contest plea, fine/court costs assessed; Katelynn Frame Knight of Sutton, gross child neglect creating risk of injury x4, preliminary hearing waived, transferred to circuit court; Edward Keith Conley of Orlando, DUI, no contest plea, destruction of property, dismissed per plea, 24 hours of jail with credit for time served of 24 hours, fine/court costs assessed.
October 19: Wesley Owen Lester of Sutton, expired MVI, no contest plea, no proof of insurance, no contest plea, fines/court costs assessed; Lora L. Coffman of Glenville, expired MVI, dismissed proof provided, no proof of insurance, dismissed proof provided.
October 20: Daniel Wesley Hall of Sutton, driving revoked for DUI-3rd offense, warrantless arrest, bond set at $5000 cash or surety; Darla Kay Gant of Sutton, failure to stop for bus, dismissed, state did not present evidence.
October 21: Samuel H. Thomas of Canvas, aggravated DUI, destruction of property, warrantless arrest, bond set at $4500 personal recognizance; Jennifer E. Kemp of Sutton, petit larceny, warrantless arrest, bond set at $5000 cash or surety.
October 22: Darrrell Leon Carpenter, Jr. of Huntington, driving revoked for DUI-3rd offense, warrantless arrest, bond set at $10,000 cash or surety; Bonnie Marie McCumbers of Sutton, obstructing an officer, warrantless arrest, bond set at $1500 personal recognizance; Harry J. Bosley of Cedarville, domestic assault, domestic battery, possession of meth, warrantless arrest, bond set at $5000 cash or surety; Leonard E. Wyant, III of Gassaway, possession of meth, cell phone violation, expired MVI, no proof of insurance, warrantless arrest, bond set at $3000 cash or surety; Robert Wayne Mitchell of Gassaway, domestic assault, warrantless arrest, bond set at $3000 cash or surety.
Magistrate David Singleton
October 23: Kristin Nicole Booher of Rosedale, driving revoked for DUI-2nd offense, warrant issued, bond set at $3000 cash, surety or 10% to the court.
October 24: Christopher A. Davis of Gassaway, domestic assault, domestic battery, interference with emergency communications, warrantless arrest, bond set at $ 5000 cash or surety; Myia J. Stone of Nettie, possession of marijuana, guilty plea, possession of marijuana with intent to deliver, dismissed per plea, 90 days of jail with credit for time served of three days, remainder suspended and placed on one year unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed; Kristin Nicole Booher of Rosedale, manufacturing marijuana, warrant issued, bond set at $10,000 cash, surety, or 10% to the court.