Christmas from the Heart, a local program sponsored through the Braxton Community Coalition and staffed by volunteers from various churches and groups, has a mission to help meet the needs of children and the elderly at Christmas. This program is available for youth and seniorss who would not otherwise have a Christmas.
Applications will be accepted at the Flatwoods Community Building on October 26th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on October 27th from 9:00 a.m. till Noon.
To be eligible, children must live in Braxton County and be no older than a grade student. They must be enrolled at Braxton County High School or home schools. A parent, legal guardian or foster care parent is required to complete the application for a participating child. Elderly applicants must be 65 or older and live in the county. “If you or your family will receive Christmas donations from another organization or you are able to purchase Christmas gifts, you will not qualify for this particular program,” explains a Christmas from the Heart spokesperson.
Churches or organizations that would like to volunteer or would consider sponsoring a child or elderly individual should contact Amanda Criner at the Braxton Community Coalition (304) 644-2828. Anyone wishing to make a financial donation or sponsorship should make your checks payable to Braxton Community Coalition (indicate Christmas from the Heart Sponsor) and mail to: Christmas from the Heart, PO Box 76, Flatwoods, WV 26621.