Braxton Citizens' News, Opinion

The war of the groundhogs…

While President Trump is setting out on a trade war with our neighbors, Mexico to the south and Canada to the north, we have another war in the works. On one side we have Punxsutawney Phil. His opponent, as luck would have it, is none other than West Virginia’s own French Creek Freddie.

The groundhogs, or whistle pigs if you are as old as I am, make their annual appearance the first of February and according to folklore, predict how much longer we will have to endure winter.

Punxsutawney Phil residing in Young Township near Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. French Creek Freddie, the state’s beloved weather-predicting groundhog, lives at the West Virginia State Wildlife Center in Upshur County.

In recent history the pair have agreed just about every year… they usually predict 6 more weeks of winter weather by seeing their shadow on Groundhog Day. This year the test is on… who is the most accurate? Phil saw his shadow last Sunday signaling six more weeks of bad weather.

Obviously, Phil has seniority. After all Groundhog Day originated in Pennsylvania in the 18th and 19th centuries. It comes from a Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that a groundhog’s shadow on February 2nd predicts how long winter will last.

Freddie on the other hand, emerged from his den at French Creek Game Farm on Sunday and did not see his shadow, indicating that spring is just around the corner.

I don’t know about you, but I’m rooting for the hometown boy. Freddie is not only our own, but he came up with the right answer. After all the recent sub-freezing weather and snow that we have had to endure, who wants 6 more weeks of the same?

I’m ready for warmer weather and boating season, so my money is on Freddie. Afterall, everyone roots for the underdog and when it comes to Groundhog Day, French Creek Freddie is the underdog in this race! Maybe this year he can gain some ground on ole Phil?