Braxton Citizens' News, Government

Gassaway has additional council person on ballot

Two additional arrests have been made following shots being fired into the home of local State Trooper. As reported in last Thursday’s Braxton Democrat-Central matters got tense for the Braxton County law enforcement community early Sunday morning, January 26, with reports that someone was shooting into the home of a local State Trooper. The call came through Braxton Control at approximately 3:30 a.m. that someone had fired gun shots into the home of Sutton Detachment State Police Officer Andrew Groves and his wife Allison.

The alarm activated a large police presence, followed by an investigation that lead to the arrest of a Copen man later that day. Cpl. J.D. Jordan II of the Sutton Detachment, of the West Virginia State Police arrested Joseph Matthew Posey. Magistrate Court paperwork stated that Posey, 18, confessed to the shooting. No motive has been released.

Two days later, Cpl. Jordan arrested two Frametown women who authorities believe were with Posey at the time of the crime was committed. Officers interviewed Chaeli Shea Allen, 18, and Brittany Paige Allen Sigman, 29, at their home on  Frametown Road. During that interview, both women provided false information to officers in an attempt to cover up Posey’s involvement in the incident.

Posey was charged with two counts of Wanton endangerment involving a firearm. Allen and Sigman were charged with 4 counts each of being an accessory before and after the crime. Both were released after posting $3,000 bonds.

Posey was arraigned before Braxton County Magistrate Eric Skidmore, where his bond was set at $25,000 for each charge, resulting in a $50,000 cash only bond. Posey was taken to the Central Regional Jail in lieu of that bond, where he remains at press time awaiting additional count proceedings.

According to the incident report, filed in Magistrate Court, two rounds from a 9 mm firearm struck the residents. No injuries were reported. The investigation is continuing.