Braxton Citizens' News, Schools

Braxton Schools releases new data on attendance

Tim Via, Braxton County Schools Director of Attendance, recently released data on chronic absenteeism in Braxton County Schools. Overall, the data shows a reduction in all Braxton County Schools except two. Sutton Elementary’s chronic absenteeism rose from 9% to 11% and Little Birch remained at 14%.

The greatest reduction in chronic absenteeism during first semester occurred at Flatwoods Elementary which showed a 16% drop. Two schools – Braxton County Middle School and Frametown Elemenary – also showed a significant reduction at 11%.

Director Via pointed out that chronic absenteeism is a major predictor in the degree of student success. Obviously, students don’t learn as well if they do not attend school regularly. Chronically absent students – those who miss more than 10% of the school days – typically fall behind other students. If the pattern continues over the years, the student will be far below grade level.

Via also explained that schools have three tiers in place to address chronic absenteeism. Tier 1 might involve rewarding a class for having the highest rate of attendance for a certain time period. In Tier 2, the focus is on individuals or small groups. Tier 2 might involve a Student Assistance Team meeting with a parent. When Tiers 1 and 2 do not work for the student, schools move to Tier 3 which involves referrals to social services, meetings with the prosecuting attorney, and more intense counseling.

Commenting on the progress he sees, Via said, “Braxton County Schools continue to show improvement in [lowering] the rate of students chronically absent through the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year. We really want this improvement trend to continue into the second semester. Great job so far, students and parents, in getting our students in school. Also, great job to our school staff for making each of our schools the welcoming place [where] students want to be.”