Government, The Braxton Democrat

Braxton Magistrate Report

Magistrate Beth Smith
January 21: Ryan Dalton Adkins of Clay, expired MVI, dismissed proof provided; Christopher Lee Nottingham of Hedgesville, unlawful disposal of litter, guilty plea, 30 days of jail with credit for time served of one day, remainder suspended and placed on two years unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed.
January 22: Timothy Daniel Allen of Procious, DUI, dismissed, possible outside substance interfering with BAC test; Samuel J. Boggs of Sutton, possession of controlled substance x2, guilty plea, possession of controlled substance, dismissed per plea, breaking and entering, no probable cause found, 90 days of jail with credit for time served of one day, remainder suspended and placed on 12 months unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed; Jeffery E. Smith of Frametown, destruction of property, no probable cause found, failure to maintain control, no contest plea, expired registration, dismissed per plea, expired MVI, dismissed per plea, unsecure load, no contest plea, 30 days of jail, suspended and placed on eight months unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed; Lance Ryan Gross of Burnsville, domestic battery, dismissed, domestic assault, dismissed, victim does not wish to pursue charges; Kevin Eugene Hamrick of Chapel, possession of meth, guilty plea, prohibited person in possession of a firearm x2, dismissed per plea, 90 days of jail with credit for time served of two days, remainder suspended and placed on eight months unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed; David Harris of Gassaway, keeping vicious dogs, dismissed, lack proof of intent and animal surrendered; Brent Boggs of Big Otter, passing school bus, no contest plea, illegal lane change, dismissed per plea, 30 days of jail, suspended and placed on eight months unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed; Brandy M. Wine of Copen, domestic battery, no contest plea, obstructing an officer, dismissed per plea, 45 days of jail with credit for time served of three days, remainder suspended and placed on 18 months unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed.
January 23: Phillip Scott Dennison of Sutton, reckless driving, guilty plea, DUI x2, dismissed per blood tests results, 20 days of jail, suspended and placed on eight months unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed; Allyson Rivera-Gonzalez of Greer, SC, attempt to commit felony, obstructing an officer, conspiracy, bringing stolen property in from another state, probable cause found, transferred to circuit court.
January 24: Jennifer E. Kemp of Sutton, grand larceny, warrantless arrest, bond set at $7500 cash only driving revoked for DUI, bond set at $1500 cash or surety; Mikaylea Culver of Elkins, speeding, no contest plea, no proof of insurance, dismissed proof provided, fine/court costs assessed.
January 25: Anthony Keith Stimson of Buckhannon, driving revoked for DUI-2nd offense, warrantless arrest, bond set at $3000 cash or surety; William Eric Dean of Sutton, DUI-controlled substance, defective equipment, warrantless arrest, bond set at $ 1500 cash or surety; Timothy Allen Sears of Chloe, trespassing, disorderly conduct, warrantless arrest, bond set at $1800 cash or surety.
January 27: Anthony Abel of Danville, VA, bringing stolen property into state, conspiracy, attempt commit felony, obstructing an officer, possession of controlled substance, probable cause found, transferred to circuit court; Dominick Demetrius Cates of Greer, SC, bringing stolen property into state, conspiracy, attempt commit felony, probable cause found, transferred to circuit court.
Magistrate Eric Skidmore
January 21: Angela Lynn Cogar of Sutton, open burning of refuse, guilty plea, fine/court costs assessed; Whitney Noelle Jones of Exchange, shoplifting x3, no contest plea, fines/court costs/restitution assessed.
January 23: Phillip S. Dennison of Sutton, no proof of insurance, dismissed proof provided, expired MVI, dismissed proof provided.
January 27: Joseph Matthew Posey of Copen, wanton endangerment involving a firearm x2, warrantless arrest, bond set at $50,000 cash only; Randall L. Morris, Jr. of Kittanning, PA, speeding, guilty plea, fine/court costs assessed and paid; Jalysa Danielle Mosley of Saint Albans, speeding, guilty plea, fine/court costs assessed and paid; Thomas C. Murphy of Summersville, failure to display valid fuel tax decal, guilty plea, fine/court costs assessed and paid; Nina M. Burnham of Sutton, expired MVI, dismissed proof provided; Nathan Ryan Spencer of French Creek, obtaining goods by false pretenses x2, dismissed, victims paid in full.
January 28: Jason P. Smith, Jr. of Hurricane, speeding, guilty plea, fine/court costs assessed and paid; Jessica D. Peyatt of Craigsville, speeding x2, guilty plea, fines/court costs assessed and paid; Emory Johnson, II of Sophia, speeding, dismissed.