The Braxton County Board of Education held their most recent regular meeting on January 28. The initial meeting was scheduled for January 21 was postponed due to the recent bad weather.
Dr. Leatha Williams spoke to the board with an update on benchmark testing, including student’s growth and proficiency in both math and reading, and the programs implemented to help increase benchmark testing scores. She reviewed the decreases in the number of students multiple grade levels behind, and increases in the number at or above grade level. The elementary schools are moving in the right direction in reading, however even with the growth in math more work needs to be done.
Superintendent Dr. Donna Burge-Tetrick spoke on the presentation and stated “we are turning the schools around” and all the staff are “working really hard” to bring the changes to schools to increase the scores.
She is also working on bringing back programs to the school system. The spelling bee, the social studies fair, young writers, math field day, and at the high school level the academic showdown and CTE legislative day have been brought back and/or elevated. More programs will be coming next year including the science fair.
BCHS Principal Lori Stover-Williams discussed her recent work with the Model School program. Work is being completed to get the high school recognized nationwide as a model school for the work they have done with their “Love is Learning” motto.
Under regular business, the board approved the budget transfers and supplements and payment of bills on a motion by Larry Hardway.
The following personnel recommendations were approved on a motion by Lisa Ratliff after an executive session from 6:46 pm to 7:12pm: employment of Bryan Nottingham, substitute bus operator and Haley Drake, assistant volleyball coach, BCHS; permission to post and hire maintenance/HVAC mechanic with $10,000 supplement; volunteers-Alejandra Sanchez, Taylor Cogar, Hannah Rexroad, Courtney Wilfong, Joshua Rexroad, and Rachell Pritt; and the leave request for Lori Dittman, BCMS, during the 2025 regular legislative session.
On separate motions, the board approved ratification of the superintendent’s approval of the contract with Huddle Cam, permission for Jami Hefner to attend the NEA Minority Leadership Training and Women’s Leadership for Social Justice in Atlanta, GA, January 23 through January 26-expenses to be funded by NEA, the first readings of proposed revision to Policy 3400-Time Schedules and Workloads and proposed revision to Policy 3620-Employee Travel, second reading of proposed revision to Policy 4115-Student Attendance, and the third and final reading of proposed revision to Policy 4114-Resident and Non-Resident Student Transfers.
The board meeting ended with remarks from the board members.
All members stated they were excited and pleased with the progress in test scores from the report presented.
Lisa Ratliff stated she was shocked that they were halfway through the school year and she was happy to see the academic programs implemented back into the school system to showcase the students learning.
Kevin Gregory said he was hoping the snow was done so the students could get back into school and learning (and the snow angel challenge complete). He noted the teachers and all of the personnel are doing a great job and that people in the community are noticing the changes.
Dr. Kenna Seal noted he was concerned with legislation that was enacted removing the vaccination requirements for schools.
Board President Evelyn Post stated she was cautiously optimistic with the results of the testing and that all of the staff was part of the improvements.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 pm. The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 4 at 6:00 pm. As always, members of the Braxton County community are encouraged to attend regular board meetings. Anyone wishing to speak as a delegate or with public concerns may do so by signing in up to 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.