Braxton Citizens' News, Community

WVU Extension Agriculture Dinner meeting scheduled for February 12

Each winter, WVU Extension Service brings education, know-how and research right to your community through a series of educational dinner meetings. On Wednesday, February 12, 2025 WVU will be hosting an educational dinner meeting on Animal Health Protocols at the West Milford Community Center (925 Liberty Street, West Milford) at 6:30 p.m. Please pre-register for dinner by calling the WVU-Braxton County Extension Office at 304-765-2809 by February 5th. There will be a $5/person charge for the dinner. If you would like to attend, but can’t make the dinner, you are still welcome to attend the program, which will start at 7:15 p.m.

Dr. Darin Matlick, DVM will discuss the details of calving management. He will also discuss the emerging cattle disease Theileria and the Asian longhorn ticks that spread the disease.

Dr. Matlick is a Clinical Associate Professor with The WVU Davis College and WVU Extension and Potomac State College. Darin Graduated from West Virginia University with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science in 1999 and Ohio State University Veterinary College in 2002. Dr. Matlick’s first job was at Casselman’s Veterinary Services in Grantsville, Maryland. Dr. Matlick has been with WVU since 2003 and served in various roles in the University as well as clinical Veterinarian. Dr. Matlick started the Potomac State College Heifer program in 2017 and serves on the Wardensville Bull Test Committee.

Directions:  From Rt. 19, take Rt. 270 East; go just over ½ mile and turn left on Liberty Street just before the Dollar General Store; the community building will be on the left in about ¼ mile. From I-79, take the Lost Creek exit (Exit 110) and go West on Rt. 270 (from the southbound exit, proceed from the ramp to the 4-way stop and go right); go approximately 5 miles to West Milford and go right on Liberty Street just after Dollar General on the right; the community building will be on the left in about ¼ mile.

Anyone having questions or need additional information, should call the WVU-Braxton County Extension Office at 304-765-2809.