Glenville State University is calling for submissions for its Little Kanawha Reading Series Chapbook Contest. The college is accepting 15-25 pages of poetry or prose that explores Appalachian culture in any of its diverse forms. They welcome poetry, fiction, non-fiction, or hybrid works.
Glenville State University Department of Language & Literature, Appalachian Studies Program, and the Robert F. Kidd Library are sponsoring the event.
The winning entry will receive a small cash prize plus publication. The final judge for the contest is Sara Henning, an associate professor at Marshall University, and the award-winning author of the poetry collections Burn, Terra Incognita, and View from the North. The submission period ends on March 31, 2025. Details are available for review at:
GSU invite writers to submit works that celebrate and explore the rich cultural tapestry of Appalachia.
Only one manuscript per genre per author per reading period may be entered. Previously published poems, stories, essays, excerpts may be included in the manuscript. Please provide publication acknowledge-ments (title of work, where and when published).
Submissions must embody at least one of the following Appalachian literary features: Strong sense of place and connection to the Appalachian landscape. Exploration of Appalachian voice. Exploration of Appalachian folklore, myths, or legends. Themes of Appalachian family, community, and/or cultural heritage. Exploration of Appalachian rural life and traditions.
The winning entries will receive a $200 cash prize, publication of the winning chapbook, author copies, a digital e-book file and invitation to be a featured reader in the Little Kanawha Reading Series
The Reading Period is December 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025. The winning manuscript will be selected within three to four months after the reading period closes.
Manuscripts are accepted electronically, by email only. Registration along with the $10 entry fee paid at the contest website: Manuscripts should be sent to: [email protected]. Contestants should enter their contact information, a brief biography, and any publication acknowledgements in the body of the email. Include your name on all manuscript pages. Each poem, story, essay, excerpt should begin on a new page. Do not include any images in your manuscript. Attach your manuscript as a single Word .doc or .docx or .rtf file.