Burnsville officials held their final meeting of the year on December 23, 2024.
The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Recorder, Becky Jackson. Mayor Paul Bragg was absent. Council members Steve Wine, Tom Crutchfield, Chris Dean, Jeremy Allen and Colin Dean were in attendance.
Chris Dean made a motion to approve the minutes and financials, as presented.
Recorder Jackson presented communications from the Mayor which included:
Burnsville Public Library, re: Funding Disbursement, Burnsville Parks & Recreation Board, reference Funding Disbursement. and the WV State Treasury, re: Table & Greenbrier Games.
Chris Dean made a motion to disburse budgeted funding to the library, which received unanimous approval of the council. Council members inquired if the highway mirror had come in for the bottom of 1st St.
Jeremy Allen made a motion to disburse the budgeted funds for the community center, seconded by Steve Wine, motion carried.
Council Wine made separate motions to approve Resolution #001and #002 to obtain property from the Department of Highways for the sewer project.
In other action, Steve told council Pam had been having trouble with her computer and reminded the council had already approved the purchase of a new one. Chris said that the Mayor was very appreciative of the honor given to him. Chris questions how the town is keeping up with the police department’s payroll. He believes the council needs to assess the situation and come up with a plan for the future.
Following a review, Colin Dean made a motion to pay the bills as submitted.
There being no further business to consider the meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m.