During last Friday and Saturday’s Braxton Invitational Wrestling Tournament a total of 24 teams competed in over 550 matches each day at Braxton County High School. The Eagles finished an impressive fifth behind Point Pleasant, Berkely Springs, Keyser, and Herbert Hoover. Braxton Coach Sterling Beane pointed out that Point Pleasant is ranked first in AA, Berkeley Springs is ranked sixth, Keyser fifth, and Herbert Hoover second. Braxton is ranked second among A teams.
Braxton’s Paxton Smith was named the Most Valuable Wrestler (MVP) for the 2025 Braxton Invitational. Smith, a junior, also earned the 100th pin of his wrestling career.
Braxton will wrestle in the Bob Zide Rumble at Williamstown next Saturday.
Braxton Grapplers placing in the event included 113# Connor Tallamay – 4th, 126# Sailor McKinney – 3rd, 132# Luke Kelly – 3rd, 138# Bradyn Morris – 4th, 150# Paxton Smith – 1st, and 175# Eliah Moore – 3rd.
Coach Beane expressed his appreciation to Go Mart, Inc. for their continued support of the Braxton tournament.
See additioinal photographic coverage on Page 9 of this issue.