Braxton Citizens' News, Opinion

A battle with State Farm…

Like many of you I recently received a letter from State Farm Insurance that really upset me. To set the stage for my comments, here is a bit of background… I have had State Farm Insurance for over 50 years. I started with my buddy Roy Huffman and gladly accepted his daughter Vicki taking over the agency years later.

I was happy for Vicki Shaver when she announced her retirement. I was even excited for the new owner since her mother had worked for us a number of years before going into the insurance business.

As for insurance, I anticipated it being pretty much business as usual. A week or so ago I received a letter from State Farm saying all my insurance, four cars and my house, had been transferred to an agent in Summersville. I found that unacceptable but figured a call to my agent would quickly take care of the matter, like any problem I have had for the previous 5 decades.

When I called the office, the lady I spoke with was very nice but said there was nothing they could do as it was a corporate decision. Before I got off the phone, I figured out that they must be under strict orders from the corporate folks not to discuss the matter with customers.

Well, I’m pretty stubborn so I went online to see what I could find out. On their website there was a place to change agents… people move you know. I tried to go through the process, but I admit that I’m a little technologically challenged so I wasn’t able to complete the process. However, they did give me a number to call and that was right up my ally. I’d rather talk to someone any day opposed to texting or emailing them.

After a bit of the normal crap in dealing with phone systems and being directed here and there, I eventually got to speak to a representative. I don’t think he was American, but I could understand him well enough to get my message across. I made it very clear that I didn’t want a Summerville agent when my agent’s office was less than 3 miles from my house and office.

He said no problem and took my information, looked me up on his computer and said I should receive written notification of the change within a few days. I made it clear to him that while I have had a very long and satisfactory relationship with State Farm, if I couldn’t do business in Braxton County, I would be taking my business to another insurer. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hope that letter arrives before any of my policies are due for renewal.

Just in case you are in the same boat and don’t want your policies transferred to Summersville, which I now have heard that everyone with a Sutton address was, here is the number I called (800-782-8332), Good luck!