This Monday has been a little better than the last one. As loyal readers are undoubtedly aware we got both papers printed and distributed last week. The Citizens’ News was a day late and the Democrat-Central a day early.
Unfortunately, many readers won’t know… thanks to the poor service of the good old Post Office, more and more of our readers are buying their papers at local vendors. I can’t blame them since the post office is so unreliable. The problem though, is that when we have bad weather or any other obstacles that interrupt everyone’s normal routine, our vendor sales drop substantially. Of course, the weather was so bad this past week, that few people traveled their normal paths and will miss that issue. Hopefully, we will get back to normal this week.
I guess it’s because I’m old, but I remember things slowing down when the weather got bad but never stopping like it does today. In fact, the mere threat of a big storm coming will often close everything in sight.
When I grew up, most everything was open regardless of how much snow we got. Granted stores were often short staffed, but likely, it was business as close to normal as possible.
We also need to remember that there were very few 4-wheel drive vehicles. That often meant lying in the snow or a mud-hole and putting chains on the old Ford. But everyone knew that was what it took so we weren’t allowed to complain.
I believe a byproduct of those good ole days and no 4-wheel drive vehicles were fewer accidents. For one reason, the vehicles that people relied on for travel used chains. That meant slower travel, more stability and better stopping ability. Nowadays we have drivers of all ages thinking that 4-wheel drive makes them invincible. Unfortunately, that very often isn’t the case. I have been passed on a snow- or ice-covered road by a vehicle driving much too fast for the conditions. I have also found that same vehicle in the ditch or over the hill when I rounded the next curve.
At any rate, life has us all in a hurry and we often don’t take the weather into consideration. Stay at home if the weather is bad. If you think about it, you can do without that ice-cream. Do you really need to go to the movies in Clarksburg? If you do have to go out, drive sensibly. Slow down and take in the beauty that Mother Nature has given you. All that “important’ stuff will still be there when the snow melts!