The filing period to elect new leaders for municipalities in Braxton and throughout the Mountain State begins next Monday, January 13. Burnsville, Flatwoods, Gassaway and Sutton will all elect or re-elect new leaders at municipal elections slated for statewide Tuesday, June 10, 2025.
In most towns, the selection of a mayor, recorder and five council members will be on the ballot for consideration . Anyone interested in seeking one of the offices will have to be a registered voter, live in their municipality and pay the appropriate fee by January 25 deadline.
Applications are available in the mayor’s offices of each city during regular business hours. Sutton stated that their normal hours of operation are from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Prospective candidates will need to check with the mayor’s office of their respective cities for additional information.