Gassaway Mayor Richie Roach has announced his intention of erecting a display of historical photographs at the Depot. “I’m not sure at this point exactly what shape the display will take. It actually depends on how many and what kind of photographs and other material are submitted,” said the mayor.
“We want information about the people who founded Gassaway in 1905, Henry Gassaway Davis and others. We would like boundary maps and information pertaining to the origin of our town.”
Mayor Roach also says he will welcome pictures of early buildings, bridges, transportation, city courts, early mayors, policemen, fire department and key leaders of the town.
The display hopefully will also feature notable war veterans, famous sports legions, as well as civic clubs, social service agencies, culture and recreation activities of the early years.
The mayor is also looking for historical markers or events that feature prominent Gassaway citizens.
Mayor Roach says they will welcome photos and information pertaining to education, business, industry, the legal community, medicine and healthcare, communications etc.
Organizers say original material is welcome as well as copies. In addition, copies can be made for the display with original materials being returned to the owners.
“Probably just as important, we welcome any history buffs who would want to volunteer to help with this project,” concluded Roach.
Those with materials, wanting more information or to volunteer should contact Mayor Richie Roach at the community building, 304-364-5111 or his place of business at 304-364-2231.